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Green farming reopens the electric car games

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Green farming reopens the electric car games

After agriculture commission. also the comission Fishing of the European Parliament has rejected the proposal on the ‘Restoration of nature’, a provision that establishes various recovery obligations to 2030 for a wide range of ecosystems, from forests and agricultural lands to urban areas, rivers and marine habitats. And at the same time it aims to reduce pesticides in agriculture.

At the origin of the “no”, which for the first time saw the agreement of a front that goes by Popular and liberal to conservatives and sovereigns, there is “the strong concern for the negative effects on the industry and agriculture of the Old Continent with the risk of tens of thousands of jobs”.

Put in these terms, i.e. the defense of our industry and jobs, the halt to the commission in agriculture cannot fail to have significant effects also with regard to diktat on the car imposed by Brussels. And not just about technology Euro 7, under discussion these days, and against which a group of 7 states, including Italy she said she was against, but more generally on the whole “green” package with the ban on the sale of diesel and petrol cars from 2035.

The futility of euro 7 technology

The passage from euro 6 to euro 7 what the Commission wants forcibly impose is judged by the entire automotive supply chain “useless, counterproductive for the green transition, e severely penalizing for the industry“. Certify it isAmphia, the association of European vehicle manufacturers who explains: “The decision would be useless, as already with Euro 6 emissions are at an extremely low level and the new technological leap would improve the situation infinitesimal.

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Counterproductive, why it would impose huge investments on manufacturers, which would be diverted from research on electricity and other green technologies” “Moreover – explains Anfia – it is a question of promoting a technology which in any case would be banned from 2035“. The vice premier himself took the field against Euro 7Salvini who promised battle “against decisions that do not take into account the interests of producers and workers”.

The ultimatum against petrol and diesel

Against the ideological environmentalism of Brussels, Italy has also played a significant role in terms of the entire green package for the car. On the eve of the last vote to ban internal combustion engines in favor of electric cars alone, a “blocking minority” with Rome as leader, who stopped the action. Days of negotiations with the Commission followed, which in the end had to partially reverse, also opening up to the e-fuel (my no have biofuels as requested by our government).

In a year the vote

On the “auto green” package, the next step is the verification expected in 2026. In that forum Italy will once again ask to include biofuels in the technologies allowed from 2035. But in the middle there is the vote, and already today the “Ursula party” which has always supported the most intransigent environmentalism, is losing pieces. There constitution of the centre-right axis on the environment, after the European consultation, it could have a significant specific weight in the Strasbourg assembly.

“It is not a question of calling into question the entire green and electric strategy – the minister explained several times Pichetto Fratin – but to act with common sense, without ideological tears towards technologies that still support European and especially Italian industry. Furthermore, we must not penalize consumers dealing with cars with prohibitive prices and favor only China”.

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