Home » Hotels in check of the underworld, speculators and the schizophrenia of decisions

Hotels in check of the underworld, speculators and the schizophrenia of decisions

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For the hotels of Italy still losses after losses while the underworld reaches out to the most troubled realities. And where the underworld does not arrive here are the speculators. “Over 300 million euros in losses. The canceled Easter increases the liabilities of our tourism and companies are more and more alone ». This is the alarm cry of Maria Carmela Colaiacovo, Vice President of Confindustria Alberghi. Because armored Easter sinks even more tourism companies that find themselves facing an increasingly unsustainable situation with a stop that has lasted for over a year. «Our companies have not lost 30%, but 80% and sometimes even more than revenues – continues the President -. The government must immediately take appropriate measures. The sector is at risk and many operators are thinking of throwing in the towel. We cannot afford it, the country cannot afford to lose the hotel sector or, worse still, leave it in the hands of speculators or the underworld »continues Maria Carmela Colaiacovo. The sector absolutely needs an aid system, refreshments worthy of the name and adequate to the losses suffered “with the coverage of fixed costs as happens in other countries and targeted interventions such as the elimination of the Tari that incredibly municipalities continue to ask for. to companies that have been stopped for over a year – asks the Vice President of Confindustria Alberghi -. Decontribution, tax deduction and immediately a table to plan reopening. We cannot stand still while our competing countries are already moving on the markets. We need to be able to tell our customers what can be done in May, June, July etc. and we need to be able to tell now, otherwise the bookings will continue to go elsewhere. Already today we are paying for the schizophrenia of the decisions taken in the last hours that has generated strong concern by denying the idea of ​​a country out of control where even such important decisions are taken in an extemporaneous way dictated by fear. This generates concern on foreign markets that look to our destination. And the response was immediate, cancellations arrived motivated by uncertainty and concern, for reservations already set for the coming months. It is no longer bearable, if tourism in Italy does not really have to fail, we now need a policy that decides ”concludes Vice President Colaiacovo.

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