Home » In Selinunte music and words to say no to the mafia

In Selinunte music and words to say no to the mafia

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In Selinunte music and words to say no to the mafia

Say no to the bloody arrogance of Cosa Nostra, remember the victims of the mafia. These are some of the messages of the concert organized in the archaeological park of Selinunte which is held a few weeks after the arrest of the boss Matteo Messina Denaro, who ended up in prison on 16 January after 30 years on the run. And it is held in what was once the feud of Messina Denaro who is originally from Castelvetrano but in recent years lived in Campobello di Mazara. The concert, entitled “In their name: music and voices for the victims of the mafia”, is the result of the idea of ​​Sade Mangiaracina, originally from Castelvetrano but transplanted to Rome for years. The artist is a jazz pianist and arranger of Ornella Vanoni, a musician produced by Paolo Fresu: «When I learned of the news of Matteo Messina Denaro’s arrest, I rejoiced – says Sade Mangiaracina – and immediately thought and proposed to various artists of national caliber and local for an initiative that would focus on the importance of the women and men who sacrificed their lives to fight against the mafias». Francesco Fiore, Dario Mangiaracina, Flavio Leone and Patrizia Vivona organize with Sade Mangiaracina.

Businesses, trade unions and institutions to support the initiative

A music marathon, starting at 5pm on Friday 24 February, with the words to say no to the mafia and to remember all the victims of organized crime. The concert will be held in the open-air theatre, between temple E and the Acropolis hill of the Selinunte Archaeological Park. An event that had the patronage of the Sicilian Region and the Municipalities of Castelvetrano, Campobello di Mazara and Partanna, the three confederal trade unions CGIL, CISL and UIL and the Falcone Foundation. Partners of the event are: Siae, Ansa, Ebat, Ance Trapani, Tenute Orestiadi and Energia Italia. Institutions, trade unions and businesses together to give a precise signal: that of a Sicily that does not bow its head and that rejects the culture of fear and submission, in the name of those who – opposing the mafia – sacrificed their lives to build a future of freedom and legality for the new generations. «We – they say from Tenute Orestiadi, a Gibellina winery – are part of this story of redemption which belongs, above all, to the Sicilians who, with courage, civil valor and a sense of justice, have been able to break the myth of the invincibility of the mafia and of his protectors. A good economy – healthy and industrious – is an integral part of this process of emancipation and liberation. This has always been our choice of field».

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The guests of the event

The event will open with an interview by Franco Nuccio, head of the ANSA regional office, with Lieutenant Colonel Andrea Pagliaro, commander of the Operations Department of the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Trapani, who participated, with colleagues from the ROS, in the arrest of the boss Matteo Messina Money. The List Representative, Simona Molinari, the actor Claudio Santamaria, Chiara Galiazzo, Giovanni Caccamo, Modena City Ramblers, Lello Analfino, Giuseppe Anastasi, Tètes de Bois, Fabrizio Cammarata, Alessio Bondì, Serena Ganci, Cico Messina, will then take the stage. Riccardo Russo, Shakalab, Med Free Orkestra, Umberto Leone, Claudio Sala, Vincenzo Crivello. The concert will be presented by Gino Castaldo and Francesca Barra. On the occasion of the concert, the Ansa exhibition “The Legacy of Falcone and Borsellino” will be set up at the park entrance, now complete with the page that recounts the arrest of Matteo Messina Denaro. From 21 to 22.30 there will be live coverage on Rai Radio2 and on digital terrestrial channel 202.

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