Home » INPS: stomach ache over Vittimberga new director, “great friend” of Fazzolari

INPS: stomach ache over Vittimberga new director, “great friend” of Fazzolari

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INPS: stomach ache over Vittimberga new director, “great friend” of Fazzolari

INPS, doubts about the appointment of Vittimberga as general manager. The risk also involves Inail

We’re here now: the presidency of INPS will go to Gabriele Fava. “But all the attention of politicians is concentrated on the key figure who will lead the complex machine of the Social Security Institute in the coming years: the general director. Or rather, the director. Given that the candidate in pole position is Valeria Vittimberga, head of the INPS purchasing center, a past in the Youth Front”writes Repubblica today

According to the newspaper, Vittimberga has “a long-standing friendship with Giovanbattista Fazzolari, omnibus undersecretary of Palazzo Chigi and right-hand man of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. A divisive appointment, inside and outside the Institute. Where there are those who prepare dossiers to discredit his figure, judged inadequate for the important role”.

But according to Repybblica, “the promotion of Vittimberga is, however, considered practically something done by the parties of Palazzo Chigi. The manager herself, to many interlocutors, repeats that she has already begun a fruitful collaboration with the designated president, the lawyer Gabriele Fava, former commissioner of Alitalia, a man at Lega quota or rather at Giancarlo Giorgetti quota”.

As far as INAIL is concerned, Repubblica always takes the current commissioner Fabrizio D’Ascenzo to be confirmed as leader. “Then Prime Minister Meloni with Prime Ministerial Decree will appoint the two Boards of Directors. Five seats each that are tempting. The political framework would have been found. One place for each Board of Directors to be assigned to the opposition: Marialuisa Gnecchi at the INPS (Pd) and the former Minister of Labor Nunzia Catalfo at Inail (M5S). Another in INPS for the outgoing commissioner, Micaela Gelera, called to replace Pasquale Tridico last June after his removal. For the general director of Inail the focus is on Marcello Fiori, current department head of the Public Function, ministry led by Paolo Zangrillo, part of Forza Italia”, concludes Repubblica.

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