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“Laughing gas addiction, Premier League star hospitalized”

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“Laughing gas addiction, Premier League star hospitalized”

“Laughing gas addiction, Premier League star hospitalized”

A Premier League footballer has become the first player to go to rehab for laughing gas addiction, as reported by the Daily Mail. The Premier League star was admitted to a medical center after her family contacted the club to help her with her addiction to ‘nitrous oxide’. The colorless and odorless gas is popular at parties and users say it creates feelings of euphoria and lightheadedness, while others experience hallucinations. Possession of nitrous oxide is not illegal, but that does not mean it is safe to use. The drug advice website Frank states that there is a risk of death as a lack of oxygen can occur. The player’s family became worried after police stopped the car in which the footballer was a passenger and found dozens of containers of this gas, according to The Sun.

However, the police were unable to intervene because they were unable to prove who owned the jerry cans found in the car. However, the incident – which occurred a few weeks before Christmas – worried the player’s family, forcing them to turn to the club. A source spoke to The Sun, saying: ‘His family have found out about it and have asked the club for help. The player was told that if he wanted to save his career, he had to go to a specialist residential center and get help.” The source added: “He is basically detoxing in the same way he would if he were addicted to alcohol or any other drug. He is the first Premier League footballer to be treated for nitrous oxide addiction but given how widespread its use is among players, it is unlikely that he will be the last.”

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Nitrous oxide gas is inhaled, typically by discharging nitrous gas cartridges into another object, such as a balloon, or directly into the mouth. Inhaling nitrous oxide is said to produce a quick rush of euphoria and a feeling of floating or excitement for a short period of time. The following effects may be felt almost immediately and last for a few minutes: numbness of the body, uncontrolled laughter and blurred vision. If a large amount of nitrous oxide is inhaled it can cause loss of blood pressure, fainting or even a heart attack.

The source then spoke about the nitrous oxide issue within the Premier League: “A Premier League star recently celebrated his birthday and spent almost £10,000 on cans. It happens in all clubs and some of those who use it are very well-known players. I’m not sure if any of them know that it’s now a class C drug. No footballer would dream of having a stash of cannabis at home, but many have a stash of balloons for themselves and their friends. They seem to have no idea how dangerous it can be.”

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