Home » Lollobrigida: environmentally pleasant farmers. We favor photovoltaic panels on stables and roofs

Lollobrigida: environmentally pleasant farmers. We favor photovoltaic panels on stables and roofs

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Lollobrigida: environmentally pleasant farmers.  We favor photovoltaic panels on stables and roofs

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“We have introduced agriculture again to the middle of the Italian and European political agenda. Italy has led a entrance of nations in Europe that has managed to vary an strategy to EU insurance policies which noticed the farmer as an enemy of the setting and never an ally. We have introduced order to the renewables and photovoltaic system, particularly by favoring agrivoltaics on the roofs of stables and agricultural buildings and as a substitute slowing down land-based investments that took land away from agri-food manufacturing”.

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Francesco Lollobrigida, reviewed the primary decisions made by the Meloni Government in agricultural issues in a dialog at this time on the Trento Festival of Economics entitled “European Agriculture on the crossroads between welfare and innovation”. “I see little of welfare – added Lollobrigida – farmers should truly be inspired to provide agricultural commodities to ensure European meals sovereignty put in danger by geopolitical tensions”.

Important decisions particularly for a rustic like Italy “which is poor in numerous provide chains – added Lollobrigida – from cereals to purple meat. The warfare between Russia and Ukraine first created difficulties for vitality provides and instantly afterwards for agri-food provides, triggering tensions on costs and manufacturing prices which haven’t but subsided. We should pay attention to this new state of affairs and put politics and agricultural manufacturing again on the centre. And that is what we proposed to do.”

Among the dangers lately defused is that referring to the battle between agriculture and the setting. “I actually do not perceive – continued the minister – how farmers who domesticate on the land and from the land derive their wealth and who intention to go away the land to their youngsters as finest as attainable than they obtained it may be thought-about enemies of the setting. I actually hope that we have now managed to intervene and proper the course and that the subsequent Commission proposes a sustainable environmental transition for companies too”.

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The minister targeted at size on the subject of renewable vitality. “We discovered a sector whose investments within the Pnrr have been tied to self-consumption. As quickly as we managed to right this constraint we noticed that investments took off, tripling the preliminary targets”.

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