Home » Luce, Arera launches platform to return to the protected market

Luce, Arera launches platform to return to the protected market

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Luce, Arera launches platform to return to the protected market

by Verità&Affari editorial team

The regulatory authority for energy, networks and the environment He is nurturing has developed a new digital platform which has the main purpose of facilitating the return of those entitled to the enhanced protection electricity supply market, the protected market. As explained by the Authority itself, the portal will allow citizens to enter the name of the Municipality in which they paid their tax in a search engine electricity bill and immediately find the name and contact details of the company to which you can ask to return to greater protection.

Designed for all electricity supply customers located in the free marketbut they have the will to return to that protected until the June 30, 2024Arera has developed a digital platform in which this step can be carried out. Thanks to the search engine you will be able to find out which company you can contact in your municipality and, for those less accustomed to using the internet, there is the possibility of contacting the energy and environment consumer help desk of Arera by telephone which responds to the number 800 166 654.

What is the protected market

Il protected marketor greater protection regime, refers to the supply of electricity supplied with contractual tariffs which are directly regulated by He is nurturing. There is a single operator which varies depending on the different locations in the country. After a long dispute between Brussels and Italy, our country had to adapt to European directives and, starting from 1 July 2024, the protected light market will have to, almost entirely, cease to exist.

To return to the protected market, domestic customers of an electricity user must respect the maximum deadline of June 30, 2024. In fact, we remind you that, starting from 1 July 2024, domestic customers still served by the greater protection will automatically undergo the transition to the gradual protection service, while customers considered as vulnerable will remain under greater protection. This last category includes: people over 75 years of age, those in disadvantaged economic conditions, those in serious health conditions requiring the use of medical equipment powered by electricity, those with a disability pursuant to article 3 of law 104/92, those who live in an emergency home following calamitous events and those who live and have an electricity supply on a non-interconnected minor Italian island.

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