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Measures to ensure supply and stabilize prices, multiple measures to implement domestic news, Yantai News Network, Jiaodong Online, a key news website approved by the state

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The domestic supply of coal and chemical fertilizers is guaranteed, and the bottom line of ensuring people’s livelihood is firmly adhered to

Multiple measures to ensure supply and price stability (Economic Focus)

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At present, my country’s energy supply and price stabilization work has achieved positive results in stages, and domestic coal is guaranteed in terms of production capacity, transportation capacity, reserve capacity, and key coal use. The production of chemical fertilizers has recently increased year-on-year. With the upcoming spring ploughing preparations, the spring ploughing fertilizer reserves are being stored in an orderly manner. According to comprehensive research and judgment, the national electricity consumption and the highest electricity load will continue to grow rapidly this year. Relevant departments will give full play to the role of various power sources and actively ensure the power supply.

In 2022, will coal and electricity supply be guaranteed? Spring ploughing is coming soon. Is fertilizer production strong and smooth? … The National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference on January 18 to respond to hot issues of people’s livelihood one by one.

  The domestic coal supply is guaranteed, and the coal storage in the nationally-regulated power plants is at the highest level in history during the same period

In the cold wind, a series of heavy-duty trains loaded with coal assembled and departed from Hudong Station of Datong Datong-Daqin Railway in Shanxi Province, like a black “coal river” running towards the port of Bohai Bay.

From January 1 to 17 this year, 18.71 million tons of coal have been sent from this major artery of “West-to-East Coal Transportation”, and the coal storage in Qinhuangdao Port, Tangshan Port and Caofeidian Port supplied by counterparts has remained above 17 million tons.

Coal is my country’s basic energy and an important industrial raw material, accounting for about 57% of primary energy consumption. Since the fourth quarter of 2021, energy supply and demand have continued to be tight. Through multi-party overall planning and coordination, the work of ensuring energy supply and stabilizing prices has achieved phased results, coal prices have returned to a reasonable range, and coal storage in power plants has reached the highest level in history for the same period.

“The work of ensuring energy supply and stabilizing prices has achieved positive results in stages, laying a solid foundation for the guarantee of coal supply in the next stage.” Li Yunqing, director of the Economic Operation Regulation Bureau of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in general, domestic coal supply is guaranteed.

Production capacity is guaranteed. The main coal producing areas such as Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia were organized to increase production and supply, and the coal production level rose rapidly. According to statistics, the national coal output in 2021 is 4.07 billion tons, which is fully capable of guaranteeing the reasonable demand for coal use.

Transportation capacity is guaranteed. In recent years, the construction of coal collection and distribution has been continuously strengthened, and the coal transportation capacity has been greatly enhanced. In the fourth quarter of 2021, the national railway thermal coal transportation will increase by more than 20% year-on-year, and the throughput of northern coal ports has hit a record high, and the demand for coal transportation can be better guaranteed.

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Reserve capacity is guaranteed. In recent years, the reserve capacity of key regions has continued to improve, and the reserve resources that can be dispatched by the government have increased significantly, which has played an important role in ensuring coal supply. As of January 16, 166 million tons of coal were stored in power plants nationwide, which were available for 21 days, the highest level in history for the same period.

Key coal use is guaranteed. This year, we will continue to promote the full coverage of medium- and long-term contracts for coal for power generation and heating, and further consolidate the basic supply of coal. Judging from the preliminary summary data, the contract volume that has been completed in various regions has increased by nearly 700 million tons compared with last year, and most provinces have achieved full coverage of coal contracts for power generation and heating.

At the end of last year, the Central Economic Work Conference pointed out that based on the basic national conditions of coal-based, we should focus on the clean and efficient utilization of coal, increase the consumption capacity of new energy, and promote the optimal combination of coal and new energy. Li Yunqing said that the National Development and Reform Commission is working with relevant parties to formulate guidelines for promoting the high-quality development of coal, and put forward key objectives and main measures in stages to promote the safe, green development and clean and low-carbon utilization of coal resources.

The national spring ploughing fertilizer reserve is being stored in an orderly manner, and a certain scale of summer management fertilizer temporary reserve will be added this year

Agriculture is stable and the world is safe. In 2021, due to the flood of global liquidity, the sharp rise in international fertilizer prices, as well as the tight domestic energy supply, rising raw material prices and other factors, fertilizer prices will rise sharply.

“At present, the peak period for planting and fertilizer use in autumn and winter has passed, and the price of urea has dropped slightly, but it is still at a high level in the same period in the past 10 years. The prices of diammonium phosphate, potassium chloride and ternary compound fertilizer have also increased significantly year-on-year.” National Development and Reform Commission Policy Research The director of the office, Jin Xiandong, said.

Spring ploughing is coming soon. Is the production and circulation of fertilizers and other agricultural materials guaranteed?

“Combining all aspects of the situation, the supply of fertilizers for spring ploughing this year is guaranteed.” Jin Xiandong said.

According to reports, since the second half of last year, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments and units, has established a working mechanism for ensuring supply and price of chemical fertilizers, and has carried out a series of work to ensure supply and price.

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promote production. Guarantee the supply of coal, electricity, and gas for fertilizer production, and instruct local governments to set up special work classes to ensure that key fertilizer enterprises run at full capacity. With multiple measures, the output of chemical fertilizers has recently increased year-on-year. For example, the output of urea has increased year-on-year for 4 consecutive weeks, of which the daily output of gas-based urea is about 30,000 tons, a substantial increase of nearly 140% year-on-year.

smooth flow. Recently, the supply and marketing cooperative system has given full play to the role of the main channel for the circulation of agricultural materials, and actively carried out production and sales connection with key upstream production enterprises, increased fertilizer preparation, and the inventory continued to increase compared with the previous period.

Strong reserves. The national spring ploughing fertilizer reserve is being stored in an orderly manner as required, and will be put on the market between March and May this year according to the start time of spring ploughing in various places. In addition, a certain scale of temporary reserves of summer tube fertilizers will be added this year, and the reserves will be added in place before the end of February.

“Considering the difficulty of further sharp decline in production costs, it is expected that the price of fertilizers for spring ploughing may remain at a high level.” Jin Xiandong said that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will give full play to the role of the working mechanism of ensuring supply and price of fertilizers to ensure coal and electricity. The supply of chemical fertilizer production factors such as natural gas and natural gas, vigorously promote the reduction and efficiency of chemical fertilizers, guide farmers to use fertilizers scientifically, take multiple measures to ensure the supply and price of chemical fertilizers, fully protect farmers’ enthusiasm for growing grain, and effectively consolidate the foundation for a bumper summer grain harvest.

This year, the national electricity consumption and the highest electricity load will continue to grow rapidly, and the power supply will be ensured from three aspects

In the snowy plateau in winter, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, colorful flags are fluttering, and the construction of the first phase of the 3.3 million kilowatt photovoltaic project in Latuo in Gongjue County and Angduo in Mangkang County in the upper reaches of Huadian Jinsha River has officially started. The total investment of the project is about 16 billion yuan. After completion, it will be combined with the cascade hydropower in the upper Tibetan-Sichuan section of the Jinsha River. The annual power generation capacity is 6.518 billion kWh, which can save about 2 million tons of standard coal and 4.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year.

Accelerating the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic base projects is the epitome of the current power supply guarantee.

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Last year, due to the superposition of multiple factors, my country’s electricity demand grew rapidly. According to statistics, in 2021, the national electricity consumption in the whole society will increase by 10.3% year-on-year, and the two-year average growth rate will be 7.1%, which is 1.4 percentage points higher than the average annual growth rate during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period; the country’s highest electricity load will increase by 10.8% over the previous year. . Affected by this, power supply and demand in some areas are tight during peak hours, and there are short-term power cuts in some places.

Despite the joint efforts of all parties, the order of electricity supply and consumption across the country has quickly returned to normal, and the current operation is generally stable, but how to effectively ensure the demand for electricity has attracted widespread attention from the whole society.

“Comprehensive research and judgment, the national electricity consumption and the highest electricity load will continue to grow rapidly in 2022.” Li Yunqing said that coordinating multiple goals such as economic and social development, clean and low-carbon transformation of energy, carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, etc. The power supply work has put forward higher requirements. For this reason, the power supply guarantee work will be done in three aspects.

Give full play to the role of various types of power supply. On the basis of implementing peak shaving resources and absorbing the market, accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic base projects focusing on deserts, Gobi, and desertified areas, make every effort to improve supply guarantee capabilities, and optimize energy structure. Combined with the progress of new peak-shaving units in various regions and the need to ensure power supply, scientifically promote the “three-reform linkage” of coal-fired power energy-saving and consumption-reducing transformation, heating transformation, and flexibility transformation and manufacturing, and reduce the coal consumption for power supply of in-service units to 300 grams of standard coal /kWh or less, better play the supporting and regulating role of coal-fired power units.

Play the role of optimizing the allocation of large power grid resources. Promote the accelerated approval of cross-provincial power transmission channels, and start construction and production as soon as possible, effectively improving the ability to optimize the allocation of large-scale resources. Implement the cross-provincial priority power generation system, scientifically formulate a cross-provincial power balance plan, and effectively enhance the country’s overall ability to ensure supply. Establish and improve a market-oriented mechanism for optimal scheduling across provinces to promote an overall balance between supply and demand.

Give play to the role of power demand side management to protect people’s livelihood. Guide all localities to strengthen the construction of interruptible load resources, guide users to stagger and avoid peak electricity in a market-oriented way, control unreasonable electricity demand, resolutely adhere to the bottom line of ensuring people’s livelihood, and guide the whole society to use electricity scientifically, save electricity, and shift peaks. use electricity. (Reporter Lu Yanan)

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