Home » Money: Thanks to this lesson from my father, I was able to buy a house

Money: Thanks to this lesson from my father, I was able to buy a house

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Money: Thanks to this lesson from my father, I was able to buy a house

Because of this lesson from my father, I was able to afford a house.
Elana Rabinowitz

My father was always very careful about his expenses. I inherited this habit from him.

Thanks to my frugality, I was able to afford a house of my own.

I love a bargain – and it makes my life richer.

Whether I sat at the taximeter as a kid to avoid wasting a penny or zigzagged through New York City to never have to pay a toll, my father’s habits taught me a lot about saving. Money I have always used it carefully.

As the son of immigrants, growing up during the Great Depression, he learned the value of money and passed it on to his own children. By following in my father’s footsteps, I was able to Haus and get a new car.

That’s how I did it.

My father’s habits affected me

Even through small things, I learned early on how to be careful with money. I can fix something myself. Why should I pay someone to do this? As I got older, I found that some of my father’s habits rubbed off on me. When video stores were all the rage, I never had to pay a late fee. In fact, I can say I’ve never paid a late fee for anything.

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When my friends in college used their credit cards burdened with large purchases, I took a part-time job. I always made sure I had enough pocket money. I often use cash to better balance my finances so there are no surprises when the bills come in.

i love it too travel and as a teacher I can use the free summer months. From South America to safaris in South Africa, there are no limits to the destinations. Instead, I swap chic hotels for cheaper hostels or host families. I search the internet for hours, sometimes days, until I find the best plan. I never felt like I was missing anything and it allows me to get to know the locals better.

I’m probably one of the few people without one Uber or Lyft on my phone. I will walk for hours or use public transportation before using a car service. All these little things add up and I’ve never been in debt.

I used to do my shopping spree to get my tax refund, but I realized that if I wanted to own a home, something had to change. So I spent five years saving all my tax returns, cutting corners, and taking on side hustles until I had the down payment on a house. I saw how little my father needed to be happy and tried to emulate him.

His thrift may have gone to extremes at times, but I still follow his lead

My father’s diligence with money can sometimes be exaggerated. But you can still see his face light up when he gets something for free or on sale. I feel the same way, but I also like a bit of luxury every now and then.

A few years ago when Corona struck, I was able to buy a small house for myself in Upstate, New York. It was tight, but I knew I had the means to make it through. For the deposit I used the money I carefully saved for five years. I bought used furniture from reliable companies to decorate and I took used items for my comfortable home.

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While it’s not particularly practical, I’m trying to cut costs and do what I can: build furniture, paint, and even design my own garden. A lot of people would have renovated the house in a heartbeat, but I’m working on it. I’ve learned that being creative is a lot more fun than buying from a catalog. If I can’t use something, I rent it out to help with maintenance.

My dad recently came to visit and together we fixed an old stool instead of buying a new one. He has become great. Never waste anything. I love a bargain too – and it makes my life richer.

This article was translated from English by Klemens Handke. You can find the original here.

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