Home » Outlook collects access data for email accounts

Outlook collects access data for email accounts

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Outlook collects access data for email accounts

Some readers will have a little aha moment. There was something? Exactly. In connection with the Outlook apps for smartphones, there was criticism of Microsoft because access data from non-Microsoft mail accounts were also leaked to Microsoft. Now the new Outlook for Desktop version is launched and the problem seems to repeat itself.

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As soon as the new version of Outlook is installed and configured or the “Use new version” switch is activated in the previous version, the access data for all email accounts set up for Microsoft are transferred to the cloud. And not just for mail accounts hosted by Microsoft, but also those from all other providers. The reasons for this behavior, which Microsoft only vaguely outlines, are not very informative as to why this has to be this way or what purpose it should have. The former state data protection officer of Baden-Württemberg, Brink, complained to Heise about the lack of transparency.

On November 17, 2023, the state data protection officer of Thuringia published one Press release and officially warned against using the new Outlook: “At the moment, the TLfDI urgently advises that you carefully consider the approval of this profound invasion of privacy through the “New Outlook” app.” The recommendation is clearly to continue using the previous (“classic”) version of Outlook or to be aware of the consequences of using the new Outlook.

Since Microsoft not only withdraws the access data, but also “mirrors” the contents of the mailboxes into its cloud, Brink warns of possible risks with regard to the unintentional publication of business/service secrets.

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