Home » Petrol, Meloni: “Never promised to cut excise taxes in the electoral campaign, concentrate resources on those who need them most”

Petrol, Meloni: “Never promised to cut excise taxes in the electoral campaign, concentrate resources on those who need them most”

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Petrol, Meloni: “Never promised to cut excise taxes in the electoral campaign, concentrate resources on those who need them most”

MILANO – The day after the intervention in CDM on the petrol issue, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni returns to defend the work of the government. “Shoot a video from 2019 in which I asked to cut excise taxes on petrol,” she explained in a video posted on social media. “I am still convinced that it would be excellent to cut them, but the world has changed from 2019 to today, we are facing an emergency situation that requires us to make some choices. I did not promise in this electoral campaign that I would cut excise duties on petrol”.

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According to Meloni, a new cut in excise duties would have been too expensive for the state coffers. “Instead of spreading 10 billion, we decided to concentrate resources on those who needed them most. We made a choice that I claim and which is one of social justice,” said Meloni. “They tell us that we have miscalculated – he adds – I have heard everything, I am monitoring the price of petrol. The data that was published on the Made in Italy ministry website was 1,812, a price we would like to be lower however changes compared to what was experienced in previous years”.

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According to the Prime Minister, there was no sudden leap at the petrol pumps. “The average price of the excise cut in the previous government was 1,885 euros, on June 27 it was 2,073 euros, on August 1, 1,877. Then I can also understand that the price is now high but where was the press as much as the price of petrol it was at 2,077 euros. I don’t remember the campaigns of these days in previous years. Then there are the distortions and we need to intervene”.

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