Home » Premiership, little hand from Calderoli. Head of government held hostage by the majority

Premiership, little hand from Calderoli. Head of government held hostage by the majority

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Premiership, little hand from Calderoli.  Head of government held hostage by the majority

Autonomies, the suspicions of Salvini and Calderoli. Photo Lapresse

Premiership, Meloni and the League’s pressing. The technicality of the law that weakens the Prime Minister

Giorgia Meloni on the “mother of all reforms” now seems to be in a bit of difficulty. Its basic text is undergoing continuous changesdecided by the other parties that make up the government, in particular by Lega. Behind these changes, not surprisingly, there is the little hand of Roberto Calderoli: this is how the prime minister becomes hostage of his majority. It was the Minister of Reforms, Maria Elisabetta Casellati, who said last week that the text will be further modified. Just to clarify how it is also disavowed by godfathers and godmothers. From Palazzo Chigi – we read in Il Fatto Quotidiano – it filters out that, in this case, it will involve “technical modifications” or “drafting” to “better clarify the text”. But it is not easy. Because the topic is politicalwith the League ready not to make life easier for FdI. In the background the third mandate for Regional Presidents (therefore for Luca Zaia in Veneto) to whom the Northern League has not yet given up.

The situationin fact, it is wrapped, despite the agreement trumpeted last week. The problems are linked to the rule which introduces the attenuated mechanism of the so-called “simul stabunt simul cadent”. The power of dissolution lies with the prime minister, but only partially. The new text introduces variables. “In case of revocation of confidence in the elected Prime Minister, by reasoned motionthe President of the Republic dissolves the Chambers”, is written in the first paragraph of the amendment. Then: “In the event of voluntary resignation of the elected Prime Minister, subject to parliamentary informationhe can propose, within seven daysthe dissolution of the Chambers to the President of the Republic, who orders it”. In fact, the elected Prime Minister has the power to dissolve the Chambers.

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Again: “If he does not exercise this faculty and in cases of death, permanent impediment, forfeiture, the President of the Republic can grant, only once during the legislature, the task of forming the government al President of the Council resigns or to another parliamentarian elected in liaison with the Prime Minister”. Therefore – continues Il Fatto – if the elected prime minister does not want to bring the country back to the polls he can either attempt the path of reassignment or pass the hand to another member of the majority. Yet, the law does not regulate the case in which the government is defeated on a vote of confidence placed on a measure. And Calderoli has a little hand in this aspect. This is how Prime Minister Meloni is wrapped. the government would risk, with this reform, expose yourself to the blackmail of the majority.

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