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renziTerzo Polo, Renzi: “Calenda? Inexplicable personal tension”

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renziTerzo Polo, Renzi: “Calenda? Inexplicable personal tension”

Matteo Renzi guest of Maria Latella’s Sunday Coffee on Radio 24

“I am embarrassed by what is happening in the Third Pole, I have never, ever, ever opened my mouth in a negative way towards Carlo Calenda. I defy anyone to find my personal statement of hostility towards him ”. The scent said it Matthew Renzi leader of Italia Viva guest of Maria Latella’s Sunday coffee on Radio 24. “There is an inexplicable personal tension on his part that derives from some form of a relational nature that I cannot understand”, added Renzi,

Bad weather: Renzi, no more controversy and the mission unit will reopen – “The decision to close the mission unit against hydrogeological instability was madness, I hope that Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, whom I asked to reopen it, will listen to us”. Matteo Renzi said it at the Sunday coffee on Radio 24. “I hope – he added – that it will reopen because the money is there but is not being spent. who is rolling up their sleeves. We need to dry every tear and try to shovel the mud and start again”. “Minister Musumeci – said the former Prime Minister – instead of making controversy, sign the decree to restart the mission unit against hydrogeological instability. At this stage, Musumeci must not attack the Regions. He did the president of the Sicily Region and knows well that there are dozens of institutions that do not spend the money; we made a pact for Sicily with Crocetta. And the money that Musumeci had spent on that pact – he notes again – was a tenth of what had available”. “If the mission unit that Giuseppe Conte unfortunately closed down had been maintained – observed the leader Iv again – the Misa, which in Senigallia also created so much damage last September, would have already seen the recovery work completed and secured for a total of about 44 million. This is the thing that freaks me out, there is some money that we are not spending”.

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