Home » Salvini: “Stellantis? No impositions. They have little to do with Italy”

Salvini: “Stellantis? No impositions. They have little to do with Italy”

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Salvini: “Stellantis? No impositions. They have little to do with Italy”

Salvini on Stellantis: “It’s too convenient to be private like these gentlemen did”

The back and forth between the group continues Stellar and the government Italian. On the possible agreement between the French and the Renault Matteo also intervened Salvini. His comment on the possible deal is very clear. “I won’t comment on the deal with Renault. But with all that it cost the Italians the former Fiatthe current Stellantis is the last one he can imposedispose or threaten”. This was stated by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport and Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini, on the sidelines of an event Rfi. Regarding the possibility that it Italian state can enter the capital of the company led by Carlos Tavares. The minister replied: “Let’s say that the State has already entered it eighteen times with citizens’ money. I am for the private sector to be private, but it is It’s too convenient to be private how did these gentlemen do it then they moved their headquarters and factories abroad.”

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“So – continues Salvini – I don’t think that the Italian State can accept impositions from gentlemen who they have little to do with Italy“. In the morning it was the same president of Stellantis John Elkann to ward off rumors of an agreement with Renault. “There is no plan under study regarding merger operations of Stellantis with other manufacturers. The company is focused on the execution of the strategic plan. Stellantis is engaged in the automotive roundtable promoted by Mimiwhich unites the Italian government with all the players in the supply chain in achieving important common objectives to face the challenges of the energy transition together”.

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