Home » Sam Altman: “Chat-GPT is incredibly stupid” – he has a new vision for the future

Sam Altman: “Chat-GPT is incredibly stupid” – he has a new vision for the future

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Sam Altman: “Chat-GPT is incredibly stupid” – he has a new vision for the future

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, wants AI to serve as a “super-competent colleague” for everyone. Markus Schreiber/AP

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman described the ultimate AI app in MIT Technology Review.

He has in mind a “super competent colleague”, a big step forward compared to Chat GPT – which he described as “stupid”.

Altman’s vision is for AI to take on tasks in the real world – and not just function as a chatbot.

This is a machine translation of an article from our US colleagues at Business Insider. It was automatically translated and checked by a real editor.

In Sam Altman’s vision of the future, AI is a little intimidating: “What you really want,” says the OpenAI CEO to the “MIT Technology Review”, is a “super-competent colleague who knows absolutely everything about my entire life, every email, every conversation I’ve ever had, but who doesn’t feel like an appendage.”

In his imagination, artificial intelligences are doers who don’t need constant guidance. They would tackle some tasks, probably simpler ones, right away, Altman said. For more complex tasks, they would make a first attempt and then come back to the user if the user has questions.

The bottom line is that Altman wants AI to be more than just a chatbot. It’s intended to help people get things done in the real world, he said. This would be a huge step forward compared to what Open AI currently offers.

Chat GPT is incredibly stupid.

Altman Chat reportedly called GPT “incredibly stupid,” even though workers are already using it to speed up their workflows, develop code, write emails, and more. So there’s no telling how much more productive we’ll become when Altman’s magical model colleague comes onto the market.

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Altman did not provide details on when this tool will be available or how advanced AI will need to be to support it. The company’s other offerings, like the Sora video generator and the Dall-E image generator, still require significant guidance to complete tasks. They are also not designed to perceive information from the environment and use it to achieve specific goals.

But OpenAI’s upcoming language model, GPT-5, could be a step in that direction.

A source who has already seen it told Business Insider it is “significantly better” than existing models. The source also said that OpenAI is developing a service where users can call an AI agent to complete tasks autonomously.

Sources have said that GPT-5 could hit the market by mid-year. Altman, on the other hand, doesn’t say much. Like just saying “yes” to reporters when they asked him at an event in Cambridge, Massachusetts this week when OpenAI GPT-5 would be released.

Read the original article Business Insider.

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