Home » Taxes 2024, blow at the beginning of the year: how much it will cost us

Taxes 2024, blow at the beginning of the year: how much it will cost us

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Taxes 2024, blow at the beginning of the year: how much it will cost us

Taxes 2024, the dry coupon on short-term rentals increases in addition to the VAT on various basic necessities

With the new one Budget law it has also been confirmed for this year cutting the tax wedgein addition to themerging of the first two brackets of Irpef in a single rate of 23% for incomes up to 28,000 euros. Having said this, however, with the new year the list of growing taxes will also increase, precisely to finance the Maneuver.

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Specifically, the taxes that will increase in 2024 are:

rental taxes with the flat rate tax on short-term rentals which goes from 21 to 26% with contracts not exceeding 30 days but only on the second home rented in this way
capital gain for the Superbonus. If you sell a renovated property within 5 years of completing the works, you will have to pay a capital gain of 26% on the difference between the sale and purchase price. An increase in the IMU must also be considered to be calculated on a greater unpunishable amount
withholding taxes on speaking transfers intended for construction bonus works which will increase from 8% to 11% from 1 March 2024
increase in VAT on baby products and sanitary napkins from 5 to 10%. For car seats it reaches 22%. It also increases the price for all tobacco products
increase in taxes on accounts held abroad. The rate for the tax on financial activities (Ivafe) could go from 2 per thousand to 4 per thousand. Higher taxes also for property and land abroad, which go from 0.76% to 1.06%

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We must then remember that the cutting the tax wedge does not understand the thirteenth month’s salarywhich will therefore appear even smaller.

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