Home » The critic Iaccarino: “It’s fair to pay 2 euros more to have the toast cut”

The critic Iaccarino: “It’s fair to pay 2 euros more to have the toast cut”

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The critic Iaccarino: “It’s fair to pay 2 euros more to have the toast cut”

The fine food critic of the Corriere pro the cunning of the receipt: “It’s right to charge for cutting a toast in two”

We had already dealt with the so-called “cunning of the receipt”, that is, all those merchants who in this crazy summer are doing everything to make their customers hate them. She had begun Massimiliano Tonelli with a pearl: “The customer is almost always wrong”. But what is it about? It’s about incredible events that happen from the usual sly ones that ruin an entire category.

Arousing indignation are the “tricks” used by exhibitors to inflate prices. For example for two teaspoons to taste a dessert 1.50 euros more are charged, as happened in Alba in Piedmont. While in Palermo an extra 20 euros were charged for cut the birthday cake, then there is another “fad” and that is to charge water for coffee, even 70 cents with the excuse that the water is filtered. Too bad the customer had asked for normal tap water.

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In Albenga (Savona) instead the request for cooking pizza at the “right point” it cost the victim two euros. Forbidden desires are paid for. An osteria in Finale Ligure has charged an additional cost of 2 euros for a pasta tasting dish. But the progenitor of everything, the “mother of all indignation”, is the legendary receipt that shows 2 euros more with the words “divided in half” – it was a piece of toast – given to a consumer on Lake Como.

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