Home » The Link Between Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer: A New Study Findings

The Link Between Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer: A New Study Findings

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The Link Between Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer: A New Study Findings

A current research revealed within the Journal of Clinical Oncology has discovered a hyperlink between the usage of Johnson & Johnson model talcum powder on the genitals and an elevated danger of growing ovarian most cancers. The research, performed by scientists from the National Institutes of Health, analyzed information from 50,000 girls within the United States between 2003 and 2009, who had a household historical past of most cancers.

The researchers noticed that between 41 and 64 p.c of individuals used genital powder, and in adjusted fashions, talcum powder use was positively related to ovarian most cancers. However, Johnson & Johnson has denied any conclusive proof linking their product to most cancers, stating that “talcum powder doesn’t trigger ovarian most cancers.”

Furthermore, the research examined the connection between intimate care merchandise and hormone-related cancers in girls, bearing in mind doable biases. Lawsuits towards J&J have been ongoing since 1999, when a lady claimed that long-term use of talcum powder had brought on mesothelioma. In 2017, one other girl sued the corporate for $17 million after growing most cancers.

This new research provides to the rising physique of analysis on the doable well being dangers related to talcum powder, notably in relation to ovarian most cancers.

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