Home » The mafia returns with coppola and lupara: goat’s head at a judge’s house

The mafia returns with coppola and lupara: goat’s head at a judge’s house

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The mafia returns with coppola and lupara: goat’s head at a judge’s house

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A bloody goat’s head pierced with a butcher’s knife, accompanied by a note reading “So”, was left in front of the Lecce judge’s front door Maria Francesco Romano, under guard for a few months after some threatening letters received. The news is reported by the New newspaper of Puglia.

As Ansa writes, the animal’s head was found on the night between Thursday and Friday by the same magistrate who then notified the police. The flying squad is investigating the incident.

The intimidation that the judge receives would be linked to the investigations that led to the anti-mafia operation with which 22 people from the Lamendola-Cantanna clan believed to be organic to the Sacra Cuorona Unita were arrested on 17 July. Together with judge Mariano, the head of the investigation, prosecutor Carmen Ruggiero, also ended up under guard due to the threats received.

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