Home » The paradox on the shelf: the bottle of tomato sauce costs more

The paradox on the shelf: the bottle of tomato sauce costs more

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When you buy tomato puree at the supermarket, you pay more for the packaging than for the tomato contained. Let’s take a 700 ml bottle of puree, which on average costs 1.3 euros at the supermarket: over half of the value (53%) is the margin that ends up in the pockets of commercial distribution, 18% are industrial production costs. , 10% is the cost of the bottle, 6% for transport, 3% for the cap and label and 2% for advertising. And the tomato? It represents only 8% of the value. Too little.

The accounts come from Coldiretti, who on July 14 signed the Memorandum of Understanding for the prevention and contrast of labor exploitation in agriculture together with the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Andrea Orlando , the Minister of Agriculture, Stefano Patuanelli, the president of Anci Enzo Bianco, the Agromafie Observatory and the Placido Rizzotto Observatory.


This supply chain pact against illegal hiring, to which the trade unions Flai, Fai and Uila also adhere, follows up on the provisions of the three-year plan to combat labor exploitation in agriculture 2020-2022. In particular, it provides for the activation at the Prefectures of a permanent table to identify needs and criticalities at the local level.

The goal is to strengthen the network of quality agricultural work, with the activation of rewarding measures for agricultural businesses, so that through the transparency of the meeting between demand and supply of work, the illicit intermediation of labor.

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