Home » Tmall’s “Double 11” Chongqing noodles occupy the “C position” of the gourmet shopping cart_面的

Tmall’s “Double 11” Chongqing noodles occupy the “C position” of the gourmet shopping cart_面的

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Original title: Tmall “Double 11” Chongqing noodles occupy the “C position” of the gourmet shopping cart

Chongqing Commercial Daily-Upstream News Reporter Sun Lei

“I went to Chongqing for a few days on National Day this year and ate local noodles a few times. It was so delicious! This time, Tmall chose a lot of them on “Double 11″ and put them in the shopping cart. They also recommended them to friends.” Speaking of “Double 11” online shopping experience, Liaoning netizen Xiao Tianxin shared his shopping experience on his social media.

“Food is the heaven for the people.” In the shopping carts shared by netizens, food has become the top priority of Chongqing’s frequent sharing. The reporter learned from Tmall that this year’s “Double 11”, Chongqing Xiaomian has become the new favorite of consumers’ shopping carts.

The number of buyers of Chongqing small noodles increased by 300%

On October 27th, Taobao’s one-click shopping cart sharing function was launched, and netizens who were waiting anxiously copied their homework. After experiencing it, many netizens sighed “It’s too convenient” “This is just needed for “Double 11”! Now, which items you want to share in your shopping cart can be forwarded with one click after checking them, realizing the freedom of “copying homework”.

Data shows that in just 3 days, more than 10 million people shared their shopping carts on Taobao. Among them, netizens from 8 places including Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, and Nanjing participated in shopping cart sharing most actively, and the “shopping cart social power” exploded.

It is worth noting that on Tmall’s “Double 11” this year, Chongqing noodles surpassed Chongqing hot pot, becoming the new favorite of Chongqing people’s shopping carts. With the C-bit debut of Chongqing Noodles, more and more consumers become fans of Chongqing Noodles. Data shows that during the pre-sale of Tmall’s “Double 11” period, the number of purchases of Chongqing small noodles was three times that of last year.

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A shopper who just bought several Chongqing noodle products shared his shopping cart and said: “The Chongqing noodles I just bought are really delicious. There are many seasonings, spicy and spicy. It’s really enjoyable! It’s also convenient. It’s 10 times more delicious than instant noodles. I really recommend it to everyone.”

Dai Haitao, the founder of Lailaiism, told reporters that the purchasing power of netizens on “Double 11″ this year is beyond imagination, and sales have more than doubled as expected. Full.”

“During this year’s “Double 11″ period, the sales volume of only one product of spicy noodles is expected to reach one million boxes.” Dai Haitao is very confident about this year’s “Double 11” sales.

Chongqing small noodles continue to explode

Chongqing Xiaomian made his C-position debut on Tmall’s “Double 11” this time, and his performance was phenomenal. What’s the reason?

Mei Hao, co-founder of the gold medal Ganluo, was not surprised by the outbreak of Chongqing small noodles. He told reporters that as the quality of life improves, the role of food has also changed. Not only food and clothing, the consumer needs it carries include health, nutrition, emotions and even culture.

Data show that the domestic market for instant foods reached 481.2 billion yuan last year, and the sales volume in 2025 is expected to reach 630 billion yuan. In addition, the current domestic consumer group of “food for one person” has reached 240 million, and will reach 400 million in the future. Such a large-scale consumer group has brought huge consumption upgrade potential.

“The dried noodles and pea noodles we launched are based on more dimensional consumer demand, and through product and brand innovation to bring consumers more food enjoyment. On the Tmall platform, these two consumption upgrade products are very Popular, sales during the’Double 11′ period are expected to increase by more than 70% year-on-year.” Mei Hao said.

“In addition to pertinent consumer insights and a heart-warming brand concept, technical support such as raw materials, formulas, and processing are essential.” Dai Haitao said that Lailaiism has made great efforts in product development and specially hired a small family inheritor. Responsible for research and development, combining authentic Chongqing noodles inherited ancient methods with modern production techniques, and turning traditional snacks from the streets into a delicious fast food ready in 3 minutes in our own kitchen.

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Liu Jiahao, the person in charge of the Jiaojiao Drooling brand, said that in order to cater to consumers, each product must undergo various taste tests. In addition, Wujiang mustard and drunkard peanuts are specially used in the materials, and Sichuan, Chongqing and Yunnan peppers are used to match different tastes. Regarding the current gourmet track, the head of Tmall’s fresh food business department said frankly: “Eating better and eating new food has become a new consumer trend.” Driven by the strong purchasing power of consumers, Chongqing Xiaonian brand Expectations for this year’s “Double 11” are very optimistic.

Liu Jiahao told reporters that this year’s sales are expected to increase by more than 150% over last year. Among them, dry noodles and soup noodles will be the main hits, and the new product Shuangjiao beef noodles are currently selling well.

Chongqing small noodles are heading towards the “outlet”

Not long ago, as the Alibaba Merchant Festival for B-end customers opened, at the golden live broadcast at 8 pm on October 28, Lailaiism appeared as a representative of Chongqing Xiaonian. That night, Lailaiism signed nearly 50 intentional orders, and the intentional purchase amount reached 5 million yuan. The attention gained by Lailaiism is the true portrayal of Chongqing Xiaomian’s C debut.

In the face of this huge “outflow”, the major brands of Chongqing Xiaomian have also shown all their skills and want to take advantage of the wind.

“Jiaojiao Drooling will closely focus on the sub-category of Chongqing small noodles, and will continue to introduce more new flavor products. Not only should they satisfy consumers’ pursuit of authentic taste with spicy food, but also through novelty, richness, and brainstorming. The taste design is close to the taste of the Z generation who is willing to try new things and pursues the ultimate food preference.” Liu Jiahao said.

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Dai Haitao said that in addition to continuous innovation in taste, Lailaiism is developing more youthful and fashionable product packaging and more IP co-branding plans, which will further enhance the user’s eating experience and create a young, playful and fashionable brand image. , Not only to achieve the ultimate in the product, but also to use the value of the fan to occupy the user’s mind from the content side.

In addition to accelerating the development of small noodle brands, government departments are now escorting the development of the small noodle industry. In August this year, the Chongqing Xiaomian E-commerce Industrial Park, which is planned to be 3000 square meters, was put into use one after another. According to Fu Xiongwei, deputy director of the Economic and Information Commission of Dadukou District, Dadukou District aims at a major opportunity for the development of Chongqing’s small noodle industry. Leasing, production development, financial services, e-commerce market expansion, scale expansion, brand building, technological innovation, and Internet enterprise empowerment will be rewarded to promote the development and growth of Chongqing’s small noodle industry in an all-round way.

“Dadukou District commissioned a professional organization to formulate Chongqing small noodles (fast-moving consumer goods) product standards (published in the form of group standards) and Chongqing small noodles production process specifications (as local standards), and began to apply for Chongqing small noodles certification trademarks, starting from the market system Provide protection for Chongqing’s small noodle industry.” Fu Xiongwei said. Return to Sohu to see more


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