Home » Weather, January has never been so hot. Highs above 20 degrees. Historic event

Weather, January has never been so hot. Highs above 20 degrees. Historic event

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Weather, January has never been so hot.  Highs above 20 degrees.  Historic event

Here comes Zeus, the Anticyclone that wins the Winter with temperatures never so hot for the month of January. The website www.ilmeteo.it writes it.

Well yes. Winter’s fate is sealed, at least for the next ten days, which promise to be influenced by the effects of the “king of Olympus”, or Zeus, for the Greeks. Zeus controls atmospheric phenomena and as the father of the gods he is the only one who can defeat Winter. This is why we have pleasantly named the mighty African anticyclone, originating from the heart of the Saharawhich is shifting its center of gravity towards central-western Europe: currently, its beating heart is located near the Iberian Peninsula, however its effects will also be clearly felt in Italy.

Let us therefore try to understand what impact this unusual anticyclone will have (for the period) with characteristics that are certainly more summer than winter. Between Friday 26 January and the entire weekend the meteorological panorama will be particularly mild and stable over most of the country, more accentuated in the southern regions and in much of the Centre. In Sicily, even peaks are expected over 20°Cwhile in many areas of the Center the thermometers will rise up to 17/18°C. We are talking about values ​​that could influence the historical archives by setting new heat records for the month of January.

The classic “downside of the coin” will not be missing. During the winter, the anticyclones, especially those of African origin, often cause dense mists, fogs and low clouds. These phenomena will mainly affect the central-northern Tyrrhenian coasts, as well as the northern plains and as the days pass they will become increasingly widespread, resulting in a clear dichotomy, particularly in the thermal framework, between these areas and the rest of the country. In the northern plains and in the Tyrrhenian areas, therefore, the atmosphere could be significantly grayer throughout the day, with a less mild or even cold climate, especially in the Po Valley. On the contrary, the southern regions, the two Major Islands, some internal areas of the Center and the reliefs in general will enjoy a sort of early spring, characterized by lots of sunshine and temperatures well above average. Signs of change appear on the horizon only around 3/4 February, but it will be necessary wait for further confirmation before being able to formulate a definitive prognosis.

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