Home » Autumn getaway to Dina Huapi, the hidden gem 15 km from Bariloche

Autumn getaway to Dina Huapi, the hidden gem 15 km from Bariloche

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Autumn getaway to Dina Huapi, the hidden gem 15 km from Bariloche

Wonderful autumn landscapes in Dina Huapí, just 15 km from Bariloche.

In Dina Huapi, autumn gives rise to one of the most incredible landscapes in In Huapi, which invites you to discover its nature and adventure offer. Due to its strategic location, in the middle of some of the most popular tourist destinations in the region and only 15 kilometers from BarilocheDina Huapi becomes the ideal point to base yourself and explore Patagonia, but not before enjoying the wide range of exciting activities that this town offers, immersed where the Rio Negro steppe and the Andes Mountains mergeand which includes everything from quiet outdoor tours to gastronomic experiences based on the most exquisite local products.

Nature in its purest form

With afternoons where the sun still gives a motivating warmth, the prelude to winter is the perfect time to enjoy the wide range of attractions that the Andean town offers, among which are different activities of active and rural tourism.

Interpretation of native fauna.

In this sense, one of the most interesting proposals to delve into the charms of the town is the cycle tourism, an activity that brings together different scenarios to explore by bicycle and marvel at the landscapes of the region through one of the routes that include the local waterfront, where the landscape marvels at every step, or the bike path that crosses the entire town from the river Ñirihuau to the mouth of the Limay River. However there is also a interesting getaway to Ñirihuau that includes a visit to the historic Train Station.

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Horseback riding, hiking, the lake with autumn sun.

Also, during this time it becomes more than interesting explore the nearby hills on foot to experiment and be dazzled by the vegetation, the typical autumn colors that decorate the trees and the textures that characterize the canyons and valleys.

One of the must-sees is Cerro Leones, a majestic rocky bastion with caverns that forms a site of great historical value since it was inhabited by the native peoples. In addition, this place holds a bit of magic since a spring emerges inside it that shapes a small underground lake, while from the top you can see Dina Huapi from above.

Caverns in Cerro Leones.

On the other hand, the town also has a wide range of trural urism that through different establishments It proposes to delve into the culture of the place through contact with the residents and through different activities such as walks, agrotourism, horseback riding, lunches and snacks with regional products, to which is added the possibility of participating in the production process of wool and become another dinahuapense.

However, another way to get to know this small corner of the province in depth is the Estepe Market and the Globe of Artisanswhere purely local products are offered with the possibility of knowing how they were made by their own creators.

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