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City of Buenos Aires and surroundings: when will it stop raining?

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City of Buenos Aires and surroundings: when will it stop raining?

This Thursday the bad weather conditions continue and the alert for strong storms and hail for the City of Buenos Aires and surrounding areas, although the weather is expected to improve in the coming days, according to the National Meteorological Service (SMN).

After a Wednesday passed through water, this Thursday Strong storms were recorded during the early morning and there will be other isolated ones during the rest of the day, with temperatures that will range between a minimum of 20 degrees and a maximum of 25.

“We are no longer flooded”, the phrase of the mayor of La Matanza before the storm

Storms could continue into the early hours of Friday, with a mostly cloudy sky and temperatures between 18 and 24 degrees. But it would be, the last day of rain for the City of Buenos Aires and the suburbs after a string of several days spent in water.

Looking ahead to the weekend, for the Saturday A mostly cloudy sky is expected throughout the day, a minimum temperature of 20 degrees and a maximum that would reach 27.

In any case, for this Thursday there is still a yellow alert for the City of Buenos Aires, part of the suburbs, the north of the province of Buenos Aires, south of Entre Ríos, south of Santa Fe, south of Córdoba, northwest of San Luis, almost all of Catamarca, Tucumán and the Center of Salta and Jujuy .

This means that they are expected “thunderstorms, some locally strong”which could be accompanied by intense gusts, significant electrical activity, occasional hail and abundant falls of water in short periods of time.

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They are estimated for this area accumulated precipitation values ​​between 30 and 70 mmand can be overcome in a timely manner.

A 14-year-old boy was electrocuted during the storm and is in serious condition

In turn, in the south of Entre Ríos, southeast of Santa Fe and north of Buenos Aires, it became Orange alert.

This type of alert implies the same warnings as the yellow one, with the difference that, in these cases, they are estimated accumulated precipitation values ​​between 60 and 100 mmand can be overcome in a timely manner.



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