Home » Florencia Kirchner’s nod to Wado de Pedro and Cristina’s cup: “Lágrimas de machirulo”

Florencia Kirchner’s nod to Wado de Pedro and Cristina’s cup: “Lágrimas de machirulo”

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Florencia Kirchner’s nod to Wado de Pedro and Cristina’s cup: “Lágrimas de machirulo”

The electoral campaign is so red hot that each intervention is taken as a coded message. This may be the case for the stories you uploaded Florence Kirchner to his Instagram account during Monday night. In the first, she shared a video made by the Minister of the Interior, Wado de Pedro, one of the names in dance as a candidate for president of the Frente de Todos. In the second, she climbed a photo where you can see his daughter, Helena, together with Cristina, who has a cup with a particular inscription: “Lágrimas de machirulo”.

The vice president’s daughter uploaded a photo of Cristina enjoying herself with her granddaughter, cell phone in hand and smiling, while the little girl rests her foot on her arm. The cup drew attention because it recalled the episode of 2018, when the then senator called President Mauricio Macri “machirulo”. Five years later, she is seen using a mug that jokes about the concept of drinking “machirulo” tears.

The story of Florencia Kirchner, where Cristina’s cup is seen: “Tears of machirulo”

The expression, a derogatory way of calling a macho, is still in common use. In addition, it is so visible in the image that it does not indicate an accident. On the table you can also see a stack of books, content that Florencia Kirchner, screenwriter and visual director, usually shares on her Instagram account, with recommendations and quotes.

Florencia Kirchner’s nod to Wado de Pedro

Almost at the same time, Florencia also shared a preview of the video made by the Minister of the Interior and presidential candidate, Wado de Pedro, together with the actor Esteban Lamothe. Due to the closeness of the publication time of both stories, it could be determined that Cristina Kirchner was probably with her daughter at the time of publication of that content. An electoral nod?

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The reel, accompanied by emojis that imitate the gesture of the Peronist V, promoted the launch of the video published through the minister’s channel, which proposes a humorous talkanalyzing the physical resemblance between the two, the construction of identity, fame and power, bullying, aesthetics, federalism and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Florencia Kirchner instagram stories 20230612
The story of the vice president’s daughter: a nod to Wado de Pedro

Although the minister and the actor had known each other since last year, the project to hold a recorded meeting began to be planned recently, after Vice President Cristina Kirchner stated in a television interview that she hoped that a “son of the generation decimated” take the post of Argentine politics.

For his part, Esteban Lamothe, known for his roles in the films El Estudiante and Abzurdah and in the television fiction series El Marginal and La 1-5/18, had already supported a possible candidacy of Wado de Pedro and he even defended him after the controversial comments of the journalist Gabriel Levinas, who affirmed that the minister would fail as a candidate, for “not being able to speak.”

“Are you going to be a candidate or not?”: Wado de Pedro and Esteban Lamothe face to face

In their meeting, special emphasis is placed on the similarity that Estaban Lamothe has with Wado de Pedro: the same age, height, shoe size and inability to grow a beard. “Do you realize what is happening?” Asked the artist jokingly. For his part, the minister reported that they have confused him with Lamothe on the street, when asking for photos.

When speaking about the political issue, the official considered that within Peronism it is important to recognize oneself as part of a plural construction: “I am a we, if I have to be a candidate or not, it is because there are people”.

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He also detailed that his role as a minister is conjunctural, “a way of reaching a medium”, and spoke of his identity as a “militant, family member, from Mercedes, with his values.” After the actor mentioned that it is important to build a solid identity, since “fame makes you dizzy”, Wado stressed that “managing power is also confusing”.

Already in a speech closer to the electoral campaign, the minister affirmed that, for the construction of a more federal and multipolar country, “infrastructure investments are needed so that an industry can have gas in Corrientes, in Formosa, in Santiago del Estero, and those are political decisions. “But, generally, the media and the system of power that we have take care of Buenos Aires and neglect the north,” he added.


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