Home » Latam is the company with the fewest flight cancellations in Brazil in the last 12 months

Latam is the company with the fewest flight cancellations in Brazil in the last 12 months

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Latam is the company with the fewest flight cancellations in Brazil in the last 12 months

More efficient and competitive, Latam is celebrating the operational results of its operation in Brazil. Between October 2022 and September this year, the company led the regularity index among Brazilian airlines by fulfilling 98.73% (462,550 flights between landings and takeoffs) of the total domestic flights scheduled for the period.

Latam is, therefore, the company that cancels the least flights in Brazil. The information was extracted from Cirium, a company specialized in analyzing global aviation data, based on the number of domestic flights scheduled by Brazilian airlines versus those actually operated.

“Latam is the company that operates the largest number of flights between the busiest airports in the country. Meeting this demand and maintaining high regularity rates requires a high level of operational efficiency. Even in situations that are beyond our control, such as weather issues, we use all mechanisms to ensure our commitment to the customer, without giving up safety, a non-negotiable value for Latam”, says Samuel Di Pietro, director of the Center for Latam Brasil Operations Control.

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