Home » Levi’s® Space presents the theme event of “Amazing Pants” to pay tribute to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the legendary denim Levi’s® 501®

Levi’s® Space presents the theme event of “Amazing Pants” to pay tribute to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the legendary denim Levi’s® 501®

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Levi’s® Space presents the theme event of “Amazing Pants” to pay tribute to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the legendary denim Levi’s® 501®

Fantastic Levi’s® 501® welcome 150 anniversary

In 1873, the world‘s first pair of blue jeans, Levi’s® 501®, was born, which also marked the official opening of the 150-year-long legendary chapter of 501®. The development of this great pair of jeans over the past 150 years has not only set off a frenzy of denim and become a well-known fashion item, but also bears the great trousers created by people in different eras like a blue canvas. At the same time, Levi’s® 501® has also ushered in many design innovations. Every change and innovation is a precipitation of traces of time. Each 501® has witnessed the development of design innovation and denim culture. Integrate into the evolutionary soul as the times change.


In the past 150 years, Levi’s® 501® is not only a timeless classic denim, but also favored by cultural pioneers from different eras and fields. The fanatics of these 501® jeans wrote one after another “great trouser stories”, and left one denim mark after another in the 150-year legendary road of 501®.


Levi’s® Presenting the “Great Trousers” event, continued 501® legendary chapter

For 150 years, 501® jeans have been loved by countless celebrities, and they have recorded the wonderful pants stories of different eras with different celebrities.


In order to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of 501® and create more immersive experience activities for all denim lovers, Levi’s® will present the theme of “Great Trousers” at Levi’s® SPACE on Yuyuan Road, Shanghai on March 4th Activities, showcasing the past, present and future of 501® with an immersive experience space.

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At the main entrance of Levi’s® SPACE, what catches the eye is the enlarged version of the unique button placket belonging to Levi’s® 501®, which intends to enter the exhibition space and experience the world of trousers about 501® immersively.


The event centered around an indispensable part of 501® history – “Hall of Fame Trousers”. Inspired by this, a special 501® Hall of Fame device was created to reproduce the great trousers created by celebrities of all ages.

The interior of the space is the tannin blue “blood” that is being transported in both the past and the future. The story about 501® begins with this touch of blue.


In order to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of 501®, Levi’s® will also bring more limited series and limited co-branded products in the future, which will be reborn one after another here and continue the legend.


This event also specially invites fashionable people in different fields, denim lovers and every player who dares to express themselves to go to the scene to learn more about 501® products, look back at the legendary trousers of 501® in the past, and at the same time, artists from 501® factory will help out The scene ignited the atmosphere to the climax, and celebrated the 150th anniversary of 501® in the form of music, sincerely paying tribute to the great things created by 501® in the past 150 years.



Levi’s® 501® The factory joins hands with Xie Tianxiao to pay tribute to the rock spirit 501® legendary glory

Levi’s® has encouraged people to get rid of the shackles and labels in the course of a century of development, to be the truest self, and has always stood firmly with the pioneers of the times. As a spiritual symbol, it has become a witness of every era and individual breaking the rules and expressing themselves. and supporters. 501® Factory is a creative exchange platform created by Levi’s® to support the pioneers of pioneering culture. 501® Factory is committed to expanding the voice of those pioneers who have not been seen by the public, fueled by creativity, and sustaining the spirit of “rebellion” . By cooperating with avant-garde artists in different fields, we explore the creative boundaries of denim culture and avant-garde culture. In this event, Levi’s® specially invited Xie Tianxiao, a rock musician and new employee of the 501® factory, to come to the scene in person. As one of the witnesses of the 150th anniversary of 501®, he integrated the rock spirit into the denim culture.


In this breakthrough cross-border cooperation, Xie Tianxiao brought music tailored for 501® jeans, and performed on the spot, bringing the atmosphere of the night to the top, and jointly expressing the evolution and innovation of the era witnessed by 501® jeans .

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Xie Tianxiao and his music cannot be accurately defined and classified. As the new godfather of rock, he needs to continue to break through and innovate while inheriting the classics, so that rock still has musical charm and vitality in every era. This is consistent with the spirit of Levi’s®, as the originator of denim, which still insists on continuing the classics today, and integrates the soul of evolution with the changes of the times, so that the classics maintain the timeless pioneering charm.


As expressed in the lyrics “I would rather be the enemy of this world than take off my Levi’s 501®”, what Xie Tianxiao and Levi’s® are pursuing together is the same independent attitude, sticking to the true self, and not losing time with the passage of time. collapse. Always keep being the best version of yourself. For Xie Tianxiao, in the era of homogenization of rock and roll, it is obvious that such cross-border creation itself is a very “remarkable thing”.


Over the past 150 years, 501® jeans have not only become a classic symbol, but also become a space full of imagination after 150 years of transformation. Here, we look back to the great classics and look forward to the great future. In the future, Levi’s® will continue to explore denim culture The infinite possibilities, witness more “great trousers” belonging to Levi’s®, and embark on the next 150-year legendary road of Levi’s® 501®.

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