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Massa asked Bullrich and Milei for “sincerity” who replied: “He is the king of the caste”

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Massa asked Bullrich and Milei for “sincerity” who replied: “He is the king of the caste”

The Minister of Economy and presidential candidate of Union for the Fatherland, Sergio Massahe asked them Patricia Bullrich (Together for Change) and Javier Miley (La Libertad Avanza) to be honest about a “eventual adjustment with repression“and both aspiring opponents of the Casa Rosada responded to him.

“I would like there to be sincerity in the double Bullrich – Milei when proposing adjustment with repression. That they tell the workers of Aerolíneas Argentinas that they are going to close it or that they are going to privatize AySA,” shot the head of the Palacio de Hacienda.

Sergio Massa.

Along these lines, he exemplified the transport strike last week and pointed out the figure of Bullrich: “On Friday we had a situation of disorder due to businessmen who took people hostage and we were able to establish order without repressing”.

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Massa: “Which one is Bullrich, the one from Montoneros, the one who was with Menem…?”

“Those who they accuse me of dialogue are the same as they went through 13 different gamesWhich one is Bullrich, the one from Montoneros, the one who was with (Carlos) Menem, the one who was with (Elisa) Carrió, the one who treated (Mauricio) Macri as a criminal?” Massa stressed.

Patricia Bullrich.

The response of the candidate for Together for Change was not long in coming in the face of the official’s irony: “Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa: instead of wasting time criticizing me, Why don’t you try to solve inflation of 120% per yearand its consequences, that all Argentines suffer?

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Milei: “Massa is the king of caste”

To the statement of the former Minister of Security were added those of the leader of La Libertad Avanza: “Today Sergio Massa asked that we be clear about who we are going to make the proposed adjustment to. I tell you, in case it was not clear to you, that if I am president the adjustment will fall on the games that the politicians steal. Massa symbolizes the political caste. It is the emblem of what we do not want”.

Javier Miley.

“We are going to privatize YPF, AySA and Aerolíneas Argentinas, among other companies that today are in the hands of the Argentine State. Each game, each box that politicians have to steal will be privatized,” continued the economist.

For Mercy, “Massa is the king of the caste” and continued: “It is the guarantee that everything remains the same. Is he Argentinian politician by definition. ally of entrepreneursthe unions, the banks, the media and everyone who benefits from this impoverishing system.”


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