Home » Red Rot – Borders Of Mania

Red Rot – Borders Of Mania

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Red Rot – Borders Of Mania

(c) Red Rot

It was a little surprise hit, this “Mal De Vivre” with that Red Rot appeared almost two years ago. The first album by the two former Ephel Duath members Davide Tiso and Luciano Lorusso George impressed with its complex prog approach. It now has more of that, accompanied by a title that could hardly fit the Italians’ sound better: „Borders Of Mania“ gives in to absolute madness, cranky, angry and yet cut wafer-thin by the fine blade.

Songs like “Homo Sapiens Imago Dei” illustrate the duo’s old, new madness. From the first second you feel like you are falling down a deep abyss, as infernal screams and disguised melodic approaches collide with hints of chorale. Tech Death, Grind, Melodic Doomcore – and after 133 seconds it’s over again. What was that exactly? Don’t worry, this question doesn’t get an answer, even after the longer episodes. The madness of “Overlord” with its reduced tempo and meditative heaviness is also difficult to put into appropriate words. When it gets a little faster and harder at the climax, accompanied by ominous clear singing, warm and cold shivers send down your spine.

Can there be a little more? The elemental force of “Misericordie”, this tough yet dazzling piece of music, attacks all of the senses at the same time. Post-Black approaches collide with sacred death steel, the substructure could hardly be more complex and intricate. With the oppressive opener “Compulsive Delusion” it even goes a bit in the direction of melodic death, albeit with the typical red red paint. Of course, the next explosion is not far away and is sawing with increasing enthusiasm. Several short tracks in between bring you to your knees, including the furious “Cranioscopy” – fast-paced, scrappy, unpredictable in the best sense of the word.

In the end, “Mal De Vivre” was ‘just’ the canter, because now Red Rot is completely turning the wheel – methodically. The bridge to the previous band is more successful than ever, while the sound grows in all directions. “Borders Of Mania” is a crazy thing in the best sense of the word, head-on and pleasantly intricate, technically adept, leadenly heavy and, despite all its demands, always rousing, downright melodic. Tiso has actually continued to grow as a songwriter, Lorusso George elicits amazing things from his vocal cords, and each of the 15 (!) tracks delivers courageously. With this hussar ride, Red Rot should appear high on all yearly best lists.

See also  Domination Campaign - A Storm Of Steel

Rating: 9/10

Available from: May 10, 2024
Available via: Hammerheart Records (SPV)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/red.rot.metal

Slider-Pic (c) Red Rot

Tags: borders of mania, extreme metal, featured, full-image, progressive metal, red rot, review, tech death metal, tech metal

Category: Magazin, Reviews

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