Home » Robert Habeck (Greens): “These plans are disgusting”

Robert Habeck (Greens): “These plans are disgusting”

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Robert Habeck (Greens): “These plans are disgusting”

Journalists have recently uncovered right-wing extremist plans for the mass deportation of migrants. The Vice Chancellor calls for the consequences to be made clear.

Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) warns urgently about the consequences after the revelations by “Correctiv” about right-wing extremist plans for mass deportations of migrants. “These plans are not only disgusting, but a danger to our country,” Habeck told t-online. “I also say that as Minister of Economic Affairs. Anyone who even begins to talk about such ideas wants to destroy our economy.”

Habeck emphasized: “At a time when plans are being made to expel millions of people with a migration background, we have to keep in mind what that means.” Germany’s economic power is largely borne by people with a migration background.



According to Habeck, there were around twelve million employees with a migrant background in Germany in 2022 – out of a total of a good 45 million. They ran companies, conducted research, worked in hospitals, cared for parents or grandparents at home or in nursing homes, said Habeck. They built houses, ran restaurants, tapped beer, worked in hotels, drove trucks and thus maintained supply chains.

“Without them, Germany would be completely lost,” said Habeck. “They are part of society and belong to the country.” He was happy and grateful that the economy and the companies said so clearly that it was about their employees and their trainees. “And it’s about Germany as a location.”

Lots of doctors, lots of people in the hospitality industry

In fact, the proportion of employees with a migrant background is significant in many industries. Almost a quarter (22.5 percent) of all healthcare workers have a personal or family history of immigration, as the Expert Council for Integration and Migration reports based on data from the 2019 microcensus.

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A particularly large number of people with a migrant background work in geriatric care and as doctors. Among geriatric nurses it is around a third (30.1 percent), and among doctors it is over a quarter at 27.3 percent.

According to figures from the Federal Employment Agency from the summer of 2023, in the construction trades it is also almost a quarter at just under 23 percent. According to the German Hotel and Restaurant Association, 40.1 percent of people with a migrant background work in the hospitality industry.

Research by “Correctiv” uncovered a meeting of radical right-wingers on November 25th. In addition to some AfD politicians, individual members of the CDU and the right-wing conservative “Values ​​Union” in Potsdam also took part in the meeting.

The former head of the right-wing extremist Identitarian Movement in Austria, Martin Sellner, spoke about “remigration” at the meeting. In the terminology of right-wing extremists, this means nothing other than deportation, namely that a large number of people of foreign origin should leave the country – even under duress. According to “Correctiv,” Sellner named three target groups: asylum seekers, foreigners with the right to remain and “unassimilated citizens.”

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