Home » Shen Yun New York Performing Arts Troupe Delights Audience in Sydney’s Capitol Theater

Shen Yun New York Performing Arts Troupe Delights Audience in Sydney’s Capitol Theater

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Shen Yun New York Performing Arts Troupe Delights Audience in Sydney’s Capitol Theater

Shen Yun New York Performing Arts Troupe Delivers Spectacular Performance in Sydney

On the evening of March 15, 2024, the Capitol Theater in Sydney, Australia was once again filled with a mesmerized audience as Shen Yun New York Performing Arts Troupe presented their eighth performance. The event was a grand occasion that brought together elites from various sectors of Sydney society.

Shen Yun’s unique blend of dance and music provided a captivating journey through five thousand years of divine Chinese culture. The audience was seen applauding and cheering throughout the performance, clearly moved by the experience.

Robyn Preston, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the New South Wales House of Commons and Member of the Liberal Party, praised Shen Yun for showcasing universal values through art. She described the performance as “timeless,” highlighting the importance of preserving traditional values in today’s world.

Susan Carter, Senator of New South Wales and Shadow Assistant Minister of Justice of the Liberal Party, commended Shen Yun for combining beauty with traditional values, calling it “pleasant both physically and mentally.” James Shaw, a candidate for the New South Wales state assembly and a lawyer, expressed his admiration for Shen Yun’s representation of Falun Dafa’s principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”

Deputy Leader of the Opposition Robyn Preston shared her enthusiasm for the performance, praising the dancers’ skills and the overall presentation of Shen Yun. She was particularly moved by the live orchestra, stating that the music nourished the soul and enhanced the overall experience.

Similarly, Senator Susan Carter expressed her admiration for the extraordinary display of colors, vitality, and beauty in Shen Yun’s performance. She commended the dancers for their exquisite skills and graceful movements, emphasizing the importance of showcasing human values through art.

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James Shaw, a staunch supporter of Shen Yun and a seven-time attendee, highlighted the significance of the performance in promoting peace, hope, and happiness. He appreciated the true meaning of Falun Dafa conveyed through the show and emphasized the need for cultural and religious freedom, especially in China.

Overall, Shen Yun’s performance in Sydney left a lasting impact on its audience, showcasing the beauty and richness of Chinese culture while promoting universal values that transcend boundaries and beliefs.

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