Home » The center of Bariloche lived a festival of color and magic with the parade of the Walking Giants

The center of Bariloche lived a festival of color and magic with the parade of the Walking Giants

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The center of Bariloche lived a festival of color and magic with the parade of the Walking Giants

Miter street was this Saturday the scene of a party in full color Hundreds of boys and girls, accompanied by their parents, joined the traditional parade of Giants that exuded joy. The show marked the opening of a new edition of the Andariegos International Puppet Theater Festival, in Bariloche.

Dozens of public and private schools and kindergartens participated in the event, where fun and the desire to have a good time was the language shared by all attendees. This year the theme chosen by the organizers was «the magicians and magicians of the earth». The intention is to reflect on how to transform reality and become co-creators to live in harmony with our environment and planet.“They explained from the organization.

Around 2:00 p.m., the boys and girls began to arrive in the city center hand in hand with their mothers dressed in costumes related to the theme chosen by each of the schools or kindergartens.

The care of the environment in all its facets concentrated almost all the messagess and expressions that the little ones transmitted during the parade through the Miter to the Civic Center.

The delegations and groups were forming a huge column that extended for a few blocks. They stood out, in the crowd, the huge figures made by the students of the schools that participated, with the collaboration of teachers and parents. A huge gaucho dressed in an Argentine shirt and the world cup headed the boys from the CDI Pudú Pudú institution.

It was a world of magic and color. Boys with their small faces made up multiplied everywhere. The music and the frenetic rhythm of the murgas Del Tomate (CreArte), from Escuela Especial 6, another from Dina Huapi and the group La Nube Percusión brought the heat to a parade that has already been consolidated in this city, as an artistic expression where the protagonists are the boys.

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The column advanced at a slow pace in the direction of the Civic Center of the city, before the surprised gaze of the tourists who were walking around at that hour of mid-afternoon.

Changed the Civic Center postcard

As soon as they crossed the arcades of the Civic Center, the square was filled with magic. The groups formed on the street, while the organizers of the event encouraged the crowd from the stage set up in that public space.

Each of the groups and representatives of the schools and kindergartens went through the stage to offer their message and explain in a few minutes the reason they had chosen to represent in the parade. The arms outstretched with the cell phones that filmed each scene multiplied in those moments.

There were songs, slogans to protect the natural environment, above all, aimed at recycling the garbage that the city’s population and tourists generate. There are hundreds of tons per month and thousands each year, which end up deposited in the open-air dump that the municipality has, about 8 kilometers from downtown.

The weather accompanied the development of the event that changed the face for almost three hours in the center of this city. It was a magical meeting where the boys were the protagonists immersed in a fantasy world.

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