Home » The DAIA repudiated José Mayans’ comparison of Israel’s actions with Nazism

The DAIA repudiated José Mayans’ comparison of Israel’s actions with Nazism

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The DAIA repudiated José Mayans’ comparison of Israel’s actions with Nazism

The Delegation of Argentine Israelite Associations (DAILY) repudiated the statements he made Jose Mayanssenator for Formosa and president of the Unión por la Patria bloc in the upper house, in which he equated the counteroffensive of the State of Israel -against Hamas- with Nazi Germany.

“From the DAIA we express our most energetic repudiation and condemnation, in the face of the expressions of National Senator José Mayans who makes an unfortunate analogy to the Israeli response to the Hamas attacks of October 7, ensuring that ‘it demonstrates its military power as it what the Nazis did,’” the organization stated.

“In addition, showing his ignorance, he names Hezbollah as the author of what happened on October 7, and not Hamas as the author of the events,” he noted.

Authoritarians don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

The DAIA vice president resigned after saying that “there are no innocent civilians in Gaza, perhaps children under four years old”

The controversial phrase of José Mayans

During the debate over the specifications of the six ambassadors proposed by President Javier Milei, among them Axel Wahnish (Israel), Mayans analyzed: “We reject Hezbollah’s (sic) attack on Israel, a devious attack. You can’t accept that. “Armed people attacking young people who are dancing, taking hostages, we absolutely reject what Hezbollah (sic) has done in Israeli territory, which has been the beginning of the conflict.”

“But we also understand that the Israel’s response was disproportionate. One sees that demonstrates its military power at this time as the Nazis did. It was an extreme response: entire buildings destroyed. But “The worst part was blocking humanitarian assistance and killing people from the United Nations who were going to help a town that was devastated,” express.

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“We reject that action. We do not want concentration or extermination camps for anyone. Neither Auschwitz, nor those camps that were used for extermination. You can’t accept that in the 20th century.“, he clarified, but retorted that the Israeli government “is people who have behavior similar to Nazi Germany“. “Why do they kill children? Why do they kill women and defenseless people? “She asked herself.

Then, the senator stated on behalf of the party that he does not share “the alignment that President Milei is making with NATO nor what NATO does.” And he argued: “We have to do with the international treaty that has been voted on in UNASUR for a region free of nuclear weapons and mass destruction, which is what England does when it comes to the Malvinas.”


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