Home » The Drake at the cinema, in the spring the shooting of the film about Enzo Ferrari

The Drake at the cinema, in the spring the shooting of the film about Enzo Ferrari

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Another episode in the life of Enzo Ferrari, this time on the big screen. Exactly, the biography of the Drake was missing in the cinema, and so here comes “Commendatore”, a feature film directed by Michael Mann.

The Ferrari founder will be played by Adam Driver (he has Kylo Ren in the latest Star Wars trilogy and Maurizio Gucci in “The House of Gucci”), and replaces Hugh Jackman who was originally supposed to be the actor. Shooting will begin in the spring, in Modena and in the Emilian Motor Valley.

The film dedicated to Enzo Ferrari is based on Brock Yatesnon’s book “Enzo Ferrari – The man and the car” and will not cover the entire life of the Italian, but – listen, listen – the summer of 1957: one of the most difficult of his life, between economic difficulties and personal tragedies (the death of his son Dino, in 1956) and finally the marriage with Laura Garello / Penelope Cruz.

Difficulties that led Enzo Ferrari to bet everything on a single race, the Mille Miglia. A triumphant and tragic edition at the same time: three Ferraris on the podium (the 315 S of Piero Taruffi and Wolfgang von Trips and the 250 GT Berlinetta of Olivier Gendebien), but also the 335 S n. 531 by Alfonso de Portago against a telephone pole (due to the burst of a tire) and the death of 10 overwhelmed spectators, as well as Alfonso de Portago himself and his co-driver, Edmund Nelson. It was precisely that accident – which went down in history as the “Guidizzolo Tragedy” – that marked the end of the “most beautiful race in the world“. The Mille Miglia returned only in 1977, but as a regularity race reserved for historic models.

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From a cinematographic point of view, Michael Mann returns to take care of Ferrari after “Le Mans ’66 – The great challenge”, a film dedicated to the rivalry between Ferrari and Ford of which the American director was also a producer: it was Remo Girone who played Enzo Ferrari.

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