Home » The father of the beachgoer murdered in Rosario questioned the Government

The father of the beachgoer murdered in Rosario questioned the Government

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The father of the beachgoer murdered in Rosario questioned the Government

While The Government tightens security measures in response to the acute crisis caused by drug trafficking in the city of Rosario, the statements of a relative of Bruno Bussanich, the 25-year-old murdered by three shots last weekend, were known. The victim’s father questioned the security policy implemented by the national government after stating that “They use the Bukele method but we pay for it”.

Just a week ago, the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaroand its Minister of Justice and Security, Pablo Cococcioni, released images of prisoners sitting on the floor in the middle of two surprise searches, which bore a notable resemblance to the operations in the prisons of El Salvador, under the management of Nayib Bukele.

In dialogue with Telefe NewsGermán Bussanich broke the silence and He criticized the ruling party for the alarming security situation in Rosario. This is Bruno’s father, the beachgoer who was murdered on Saturday at midnight three shots by hitmen at the Puma Service Station, located in Mendoza at 7600.

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“I believe a lot in Milei, but she is doing things wrong. Here in Rosario they are doing things wrong”indicated Germán Bussanich.

“They use the Bukele method but we pay for it, they don’t pay for it (…). I want to tell the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich that they are doing things wrong, they are putting on Bukele’s badge and they are missing a lot. They leave us unprotected… We can’t go to work,” complained the father of the brutally murdered beachgoer.

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Regarding drug violence, Bussanich warned that the situation is so delicate that “You can’t go outside” and that the criminals “previously killed each other” but now they attacked the general population.

Indeed, last weekend those responsible for the drug violence crisis had posted a threatening message on a bridge in the city: “They are going to continue the death of innocent people, taxi drivers, bus drivers, garbage collectors and merchants”.

Faced with this, Germán Bussanich called for a general strike until the Government adopts measures against the crisis: “No one should go out to work until the national government does things properly. Because they [las autoridades del Gobierno] “They use the Bukele method but we pay for it, they don’t pay for it…”

“It doesn’t happen to them, they live in limbo. Things happen to us: to us who go to work. They have money, they don’t care, they don’t suffer insecurity because they have custodians. It’s very easy that way…” , questioned the father of the fatal victim.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPA) released an image of the man who murdered Bruno Nicolás Bussanich with three shots. Photo: NA

“The guilty are all those who governed,” emphasized Bruno Bussanich’s father

However, The criticism of the victim’s father was not limited to the national government, but to the entire political leadership.. In this regard, Bussanich highlighted that his son “had many dreams, he aimed to be someone in life but thanks to all the criminals who ruled for so many years, they took him away. The culprits are all those who governed”.

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Regarding his son, the victim’s father remembered him as “a hard-working boy” who aspired to progress and had not yet received his first salary: “He wanted to change the car and continue progressing. He was happy with his new job and had not yet received his first salary”.

Finally, Germán Bussanich addressed him a message to local mayor Pablo Javkin: “Convince people not to go to work because union members are conspicuous by their absence. I hope he listens to me and proposes that, because I am nobody but he is responsible for the city beyond Pullaro being responsible for the province. He [por Javkin] “He has the responsibility of taking care of us, because they kill people here.”


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