Home » The Mille Miglia heads for Rome

The Mille Miglia heads for Rome

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ROMA – Amid the general enthusiasm of the organizers, the participants, the public along the route (in compliance with the anti-Covid regulations), and with the flyover of the “Frecce Tricolori”, the Mille Miglia started from Brescia. Until Saturday, the long snake made up of vintage cars participating in the 39th edition of the historical re-enactment, the Mille Miglia Experience, the Mille Miglia Green and the Tribute Ferrari, will touch more than two hundred Italian municipalities along a track of over 1,600 kilometers counterclockwise (reversed compared to previous editions, taking up the direction already used in the original race). In addition to the Italian crews, who hold the record number of participants with 292 appearances, the largest number of competitors came from the Netherlands with 146 teams and from Germany at 80.

“This year is undoubtedly an original edition, not only for the period, but also for the atmosphere – declared Alberto Piantoni, CEO of Mille Miglia – This Mille Miglia is certainly a symbol of rebirth. 2021: this is demonstrated by the enthusiasm of the people and the drivers, also and above all of the crews who come from abroad who can finally return to enjoy the race, in full compliance with safety regulations and naturally wearing the necessary protective equipment. Now that we really see the light at the end of the tunnel, we mustn’t let our guard down ”.

After Cremona, Busseto and Parma, the convoy of the “Freccia Rossa” met the demanding pass of the Cisa, the first of the three historic passes of the competition together with that of the Futa and the Raticosa, a triptych present for the first time along the route of this edition. After the Cisa it was then the turn of Sarzana and Viareggio, where the competition dinner took place on the seafront and the arrival of the day. This morning the caravan left for Pisa and after the stretch of the Tyrrhenian coast it will cross Grosseto, Marta on Lake Bolsena, Viterbo, Ronciglione to reach Rome for the epilogue of the second stage with the traditional footbridge in via Veneto. (maurilio rigo)

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