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there will be march and stop for 48 hours

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there will be march and stop for 48 hours

In the midst of salary negotiations and demands in the country, Neuquén will not start classes this Monday due to forceful measures. On the one hand, ATEN decided to continue with the march which was set for tomorrow and the strike for 48 hours, despite of new salary offer made by the provincial government. And on the other hand, the Argentine Union of Private Teachers (Sadop) in Neuquén reported that will join the national strike called by the CGT after the fall of the joint venture.

The Association of Education Workers of Neuquén (ATEN) had the salary table yesterday, two days before the start of the school year. Once finished they reported that They rejected the offer since “it was insufficient.”

As explained by the general secretary of the union, Marcelo Guagliardo, the offer is the same that was made to other state unions during the week and that the State Workers Association (ATE) accepted through an assembly.

“The Government proposed a proposal that is better than the previous one, with important elements, but it is still insufficient,” he said. According to him, the reason for the rejection is that although the annualized CPI was now considered, “it does not consider the month of January.”. Historically, the one that suffers the greatest inflation, he assured.

As established by the union’s internal system, despite having been rejected at the table, it must go through assemblies. The same They will take place next Tuesday the 5th.

Meanwhile, The force measures for the beginning of the week are still in force. Tomorrow The strike will begin and will last 48 hours and there will be a march with concentration at the monument to San Martín, starting at 10.

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On the other hand, the Argentine Union of Private Teachers (Sadop) of Neuquén adheres to the national strike called by the CGT, in response to the Government’s “boycott” of the meeting by the national teachers’ union.

The union wrote in social networks that will concentrate on the monument to San Martín starting at 10 “for the salary update by CPI, for the sending of the Fonid and the Compensation Fund by the Milei government, for the cessation of layoffs in private education and for the funds for union social works.”

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