Home » “Time Traveler” predicts catastrophic events in the United States

“Time Traveler” predicts catastrophic events in the United States

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“Time Traveler” predicts catastrophic events in the United States

Time traveler from the year 2671 predicts series of catastrophes in USA

Predictions usually come from the past, with announcements about high-profile events that will change the lives of some people, like those of Nostradamus or Father Vanga, among others. However, a “Time traveler” that claims to come from the future threatens a series of catastrophes in the US and a devastating start in Houston, Texas.

This Saturday, February 17, is the date set for the beginning of three terrifying predictions of Eno Alaric, the supposed man who comes from the year 2671 and who sends his messages through a Facebook account called Tik Tok.

The most immediate prediction for the US is that this Saturday, February 17, an F6 tornado 17 miles wide will occur in Houston, Texas. “It will destroy almost the entire city and become the worst tornado in human history,” Alaric said.

By March 20, the forecaster says, there will be a “mile-high” dust storm in the Midwest of the USA, which will plague the region for months.

The last of the alleged catastrophes is dated April 2 of this year: a 9.8 magnitude earthquake in the San Andreas Fault called “Big Jhon”, which would leave destruction in San Francisco and Los Angeles, in addition to a shocking tsunami towards the coast of California.

The city of Houston is characterized by a predominantly rainy season, which is why these climatic phenomena of strong storms usually occur in the region. The weather forecast in Houston indicates that only this Friday, February 16, there will be some rain, while on Saturday the 17th, the date indicated in the prediction of Eno Alaric, the wind will not exceed 30 km/h without signs of storms.

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It remains to be seen whether these predictions will come to fruition or if they will be accepted with skepticism due to lack of scientific evidence.

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