Home » Unraveling the Mystery of Uncle Fang and the Prime Minister’s Palace in Hangzhou’s Qingyin Street

Unraveling the Mystery of Uncle Fang and the Prime Minister’s Palace in Hangzhou’s Qingyin Street

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Hidden Prime Minister’s Palace Found in Hangzhou’s Qingyin Street: The Legacy of Wang Wenshao

In a quaint street in Hangzhou, known as Qingyin Street, lies a hidden gem with a rich history – the former site of Wang Wenshao University Scholar’s Office. The origin of the street’s name, “Qingyin,” can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty, where it was the location of the Imperial City Division’s personal and relatives’ command camp.

Wang Wenshao, a legendary figure in the late Qing Dynasty, built his mansion in this area. He served as a prominent official under Li Hongzhang and passed the Jinshi examination at a young age. Wang Wenshao’s illustrious career led him to various high-ranking positions, including governor of several provinces and eventually a bachelor of Tiren Pavilion – equivalent to a prime minister. His mansion, known as the “Prime Minister’s Mansion,” still retains its outline to this day.

The streets and alleys surrounding Qingyin Street are filled with stories and history. From the Golden Spear Class and Silver Spear Class of the Imperial Army of the Southern Song Dynasty to the former headquarters of the Silver Spear Squadron, there are remnants of a bygone era scattered throughout the neighborhood.

Qingyin Street itself was expanded and built in 2000, named after its proximity to Qingyin Lane. The street is lined with ginkgo trees that turn golden in the late autumn sunlight, creating a mesmerizing sight for visitors.

Exploring Qingyin Street and its surrounding alleys unveils a tapestry of historical significance. From the former site of Wang Wenshao’s office to the remnants of the Imperial City Division, each corner holds a piece of Hangzhou’s past.

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As visitors wander through the narrow streets and hidden alleys, they are transported back in time to an era rich with tradition and cultural heritage. The legacy of Wang Wenshao and the Imperial City Division lives on in the streets of Hangzhou, waiting to be discovered by those willing to delve into the city’s history.

Source: Metropolis Express
Author: Text reporter Song Yun
Photographer Chen Zhongqiu
Editor: Zheng Haiyun

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