Home » Venezuela: the official ballot for the July presidential elections has 13 photos of Maduro

Venezuela: the official ballot for the July presidential elections has 13 photos of Maduro

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Venezuela: the official ballot for the July presidential elections has 13 photos of Maduro

Looking ahead to presidential election about to be played in Venezuelahe National Electoral Council (CNE), aligned with Chavismo, presented this Thursday the official card that citizens will see on the electronic voting machines, with details of the political parties and their respective candidates.

The voluminous official ballot distributed by the CNE has the particularity of reproduce the image of Nicolás Maduro in 13 boxes, corresponding to the 13 groups that support him.

The official candidate, who has been in power for more than a decade, aspires to his third term and in recent months he received multiple criticisms for failing to comply with the agreements he had signed with the opposition in October to guarantee the transparency of the electoral process.

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The rest of the candidates who will compete on July 28 They are distributed in the second, third and fourth row of the card.

In the event that modifications are introduced to correct the format of the ballot, they will not be reflected on election day.

Behind the disqualification of the candidacy of María Corina Machadomain reference of the opposition, Edmund Gonzalez Urrutia emerged as its replacement, promoted by the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) and subsequently ratified by two additional parties that appear on the ballot: Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) and the Movement for Venezuela (MPV).

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Nicolás Maduro and Edmundo González Urrutia.

The opposition coalition, made up of a dozen parties and movements, made González Urrutia’s application official hours before the deadline expired to register substitute candidates.

The parties Un Nuevo Tiempo and the Movimiento por Venezuela reported on social networks that the electoral authority authorized the inclusion of González in their voting booths.

Un Nuevo Tiempo eliminated its previous candidate, the governor of the state of Zulia, Manuel Rosales, from the ballot; after he pledged his support for González.

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This gesture of support was not a minor fact, since Rosales has a long history in Venezuelan politics: the veteran leader of the oil state of Zulia Hugo Chávez was rival in 2006.

“In unity we will achieve change”declared the general secretary of the Movement for Venezuela, Simón Calzadilla, in a video on X.

Activists and personalities from other countries, including the United States, accused President Maduro’s government of failing to comply with agreements reached with the opposition in October to guarantee free and fair elections.

On April 17, Washington again imposed oil sanctions on Venezuelawhich had been relaxed in October by virtue of the signing of the so-called Barbados Agreement.


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