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A balloon for the treatment of ischemic heart disease

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A balloon for the treatment of ischemic heart disease

A new therapy for ischemic heart disease. His name is Deb, from English Drug Elutin Balloon (in Italian we could simply translate it as balloon that releases drug, ndr), it dilates blood vessels and releases a drug antiproliferative, capable of preventing the formation of occlusions or restenosis, and therefore a recurrence, without any metallic residue being released in the patient.

Negg therapy for ischemic heart disease at the center of scientific research

The new balloon for the treatment of ischemic heart disease was among the central topics of The sums, conference sponsored by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the Italian Society of Cardiology (SIC), the Italian Society of Interventional Cardiology (GISE), the Italian Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (SICVE). The objective of this event is precisely to highlight the latest innovations and progress made by scientific research against cardiovascular diseases with the use of this technology.

What is ischemic heart disease

Ischemic heart disease or coronary ischemia is a disease that affects the coronary arteries. These arteries are responsible for carrying oxygen to the heart. In the case of this pathology, due to progressive narrowing, they are no longer able to bring oxygen and blood to the heart. Lack of oxygen can cause serious damage, such as a heart attack, as well as the risk of cardiac arrest.

Causes and risk factors

The two main causes are theatherosclerosis and coronary spasms. Among the risk factors we find:

high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress, a genetic predisposition.

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What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are:

difficulty breathing, heavy sweating, chest pain, fainting, nausea and vomiting.

Negg therapy for ischemic heart disease: what are the main advantages?

The great advantage of the Deb is that the operations do not involve the insertion of any stent. The consequence is that complications linked to the presence of a foreign body inside such important blood vessels are drastically reduced. The need for long-term dual anti-platelet therapy is also reduced.

Another point in favor of using Deb is the decrease in the number of restenosis, i.e. the recurrence of stenosis in the treated artery. It means that only in a few cases will it be necessary to repeat the operation, with a clear improvement in the patient’s quality of life and significant savings for the state coffers.

With this new therapy for ischemic heart disease there is hope for many other applications

The researchers’ goal is now to use this new technique also for other interventions, such as peripheral angioplasty and carotid angioplasty. But there’s more. They could use similar devices to solve problems in other parts of the body such as in those suffering from erectile dysfunction.

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