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A few minutes a week of this specific physical activity could cause cholesterol levels to drop

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There are some actions that, if done consistently, could definitely help our health. The organism, in fact, needs continuous stimuli and constant care in order to function at its maximum potential. And, precisely for this reason, information and comparison are fundamental. Understanding what to do, talking to your doctor and implementing his advice is the ideal strategy to protect your body. So, let’s start with the first step which, in fact, is to collect information that can help us understand which direction is the right one to follow.

A few minutes a week of this specific physical activity could cause cholesterol levels to drop

There are several habits that we can put into practice to ensure that our body is strong and protected. And among these, physical activities certainly also have their weight. In fact, perhaps not everyone knows this, but a constant and implemented run for a certain period each week can help us reduce the risks of colon cancer. And, to get all the information, we have reported the data in our previous article. Or, if running isn’t for us, we can always change activities. And maybe a good walk is what could come in handy. In this case, there are specific minutes recommended by experts that could help our body and that could reduce the risks of cognitive decline, just as we have specified in this article.

Gardening, a truly unsuspected activity that could help us keep blood cholesterol levels under control

But when it comes to activity, we certainly can’t be reduced to just running or walking. The movement has many different forms and taking advantage of the ones we like most will certainly help us to be even more constant. We just need to know the right habits to be able to choose the ones that suit us best. And the Veronesi Foundation indicates one that could perhaps make several people really happy. In fact, it seems that among the habits that could help us protect our body there is also gardening. And it would be enough to do it 150 minutes a week to be able to exploit its full potential. Perhaps many of us already did, unaware that we were implementing a defense that could help the body reduce cholesterol levels. Therefore, we now know. A few minutes a week of this specific physical activity could cause cholesterol levels to drop.

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However, there is a clarification to be made, or perhaps even more than one. Each case is specific and in itself. This means that the board of the Veronesi Foundation is based on general lines. We therefore ask our doctor if such an activity could be for us. Furthermore, it is fair to remember that gardening is not enough to keep cholesterol under control, but we must also implement other habits, especially food. And even the latter, as with everything, will have to be delineated by a trusted doctor.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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