Home » Alarm cry of the RSA: “Less and less personal”

Alarm cry of the RSA: “Less and less personal”

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CREMONA – The “RSA case” broke out in the nearby province of Piacenza, with the Uil-Fpl which calls for an urgent reform of the social-health system and a task force between the Ausl and structures to deal with a system that is too vulnerable and in particular with nursing shortages; in the Cremonese area it is no better and the president ofArsac, Walter Montini he says that it is essential to “take care of the remuneration”, also to avoid the continuous flight of health workers to the public contract. In the province of Emilia, the question was raised Gianmaria Pighi e Agostino Zanotti by Uil Fpl: «Nursing homes have faced a global health emergency where operators have been forced to face a situation characterized by the wide disparity between available resources and the need for health care. The virus has in fact highlighted an outdated territorial and residential organization, still anchored to basic care processes towards a user target that has now disappeared in protected homes. The triggered crisis and this situation have made it quite evident how vulnerable our safety net for non-elderly is

The flat-rate regional contribution provided up to now is no longer adequate with respect to the increase in the needs of the elderly. If there is not a review of this data as well, in addition to an overexposure of the staff, there will also be a greater distance between reality and attention to the quality of the service.

self-sufficient. A weakness destined to multiply if we do not decide to intervene immediately, on a welfare offer of which today little is still spoken ». They speak of the overall reorganization of the entire system, but also of operational nodes that daily contribute to strain the RSA and staff standards. «At a regional and local level, an obsolete and inadequate tool such as the Case mix continues to be applied for calculating personnel – they explain -, a model that calculates the complexity of care in a way that no longer meets the real needs of elderly guests. There are alternative models, however our Region insists on this modality, certainly less burdensome on the economy of the Fund for non self-sufficient people, having to repay less staff than actually necessary. And as if that weren’t enough, the Ausl fears downward adjustments, to respond to the service contracts in place and the extreme difficulty of finding nurses “. Precisely the shortage of nurses is defined as “a very serious problem for the health and social health system, given the insufficient and unchanged closed number in universities and the migration of professionals abroad”. In nursing homes the problem is even greater due to the more disadvantaged conditions compared to colleagues in the health care company. From the union they point out that today there is a lack of a political response and the establishment of a stable task force to help the structures, in great difficulty given the continuous drawing of nurses: “How can we envisage a revision of the Case mix, downwards, by the Healthcare company, if nurses are not found to adjust the situation? Lowering the parameter would mean reducing, as the accreditation law provides, also all the other welfare standards, arriving at the paradox of a surplus of some professionals without a concrete decrease in the welfare burdens “. Not only: “Today’s nursing emergency will be that of tomorrow’s oss staff, whose supply is starting to run out. The correction of the staff standards together with the organization to be revised also strongly recall the need to revise the social-health remuneration system. The flat-rate regional contribution provided up to now is no longer adequate with respect to the increase in the needs of the elderly. If there is not a review of this data as well, in addition to an overexposure of personnel, there will also be a greater distance between reality and attention to the quality of the service “.

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A reference to confrontation and reform that, on the Cremonese front, Montini fully shares: «If a head nurse with the Uneba contract takes 1,200 euros and 1,500 with the local authorities contract, it is clear that we will continue to witness a shift. There is also a shortage of nurses in our province and if we do not put our hand to the remuneration, we will gradually see the forced closures of some departments due to a lack of staff “.

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