Home » Allegri and the sentence to Inzaghi before Inter-Juve: it’s a “gufata”

Allegri and the sentence to Inzaghi before Inter-Juve: it’s a “gufata”

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Allegri and the sentence to Inzaghi before Inter-Juve: it’s a “gufata”

The tension of a match like the one between Inter e Juve it’s always a lot. Let alone in a semi-final of the Italian Cup. Allegri but before the match he wanted to temper it with a sentence he said to the Inter coach Simone Inzaghi.

Inter-Juve, Allegri’s sentence to Inzaghi

As usual he went to say hello the former Lazio coach with whom he complimented for the excellent journey in Champions League: “Bravo also in the Champions League”. These are the words read from the lips of Allegri before the kick-off of the match. Inzaghi then in the post match to the microphones of Mediaset confirmed everything: “He complimented me on making it to the semifinals of the Champions League. We’ve been meeting for years and there’s a lot of mutual respect.”

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