Home » Although potentially poisonous, this widespread legume is often present on our tables

Although potentially poisonous, this widespread legume is often present on our tables

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Everyday foods can hide pitfalls we are not aware of. Most of the fruit and vegetables we bring to our tables are completely harmless, except for some foods.

These become toxic and dangerous for our health if we do not pay attention to some small precautions. For example, the apple becomes toxic if we are not careful to deprive it of seeds. The reason is that the seeds of this fruit contain amygdalin, a toxic substance that, if ingested in massive quantities, can be lethal. In lower doses, however, it would cause breathing difficulties, mood swings and depression.

Among these potentially dangerous foods there is also a legume that is very consumed and widespread in our diet. Indeed, we could say that it is the legume par excellence.

Although potentially poisonous, this widespread legume is often present on our tables

It’s about the bean. Beans are very beneficial, because they bring strength and energy to the body thanks to the content of iron, mineral salts and vitamins. In fact, those who feel particularly tired during this period should eat these foods to fill up with energy. They are a cure-all food for anyone, unless otherwise indicated by a medical practitioner.

The problem arises when the beans are raw. They contain a toxin called phytohemagglutinin. The symptoms of intoxication, in this case, would be nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal pain and diarrhea.

Few people know it and in fact, even if potentially poisonous, this widespread legume is often present on our tables. So let’s pay attention to raw beans, but continue to eat cooked ones because they are very good for health and must be present in a healthy and balanced diet.

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We protect our health in this way

To avoid problems, therefore, the legumes must soak for a couple of hours, then remove the water used in this phase and move on to cooking.

Beans and apples, however, are not only the only food at risk of toxicity to be treated with due care. For example, there is a food widely used to prepare sweets, whose leaves are not edible. That’s why you have to be very careful when using it.

A plant widely used in pastry

It’s about rhubarb. There are several varieties of rhubarb, some widely used especially to prepare sweets, cakes and the famous candies.

It is important to know, however, that only the stem of this plant is edible. The leaves, on the other hand, should be discarded, as they are rich in oxalic acid, a substance that can cause kidney problems.

And let’s not forget that cashews can also become dangerous when consumed in this way.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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