Home » An allergy that is affecting more and more women around the world is caused by all these common products

An allergy that is affecting more and more women around the world is caused by all these common products

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Before the outbreak of the pandemic, science was focusing on two types of more or less serious diseases that are increasingly common: allergies and cancers. Two completely different things but which have the huge percentage of the population involved in common. And if this is the sneaky tumor that by the time it manifests it may already be too late, that’s why an allergy that is affecting more and more women around the world is caused by all these common products. We are not just talking about food but also about many accessories and products for daily use.

The danger of this substance

More and more people around the world are discovering that they are allergic to nickel. It is really curious how this word of Nordic origin indicated the goblins and gnomes of Scandinavian mythology. It is named after the Swedish scientist who first discovered the causes and effects of this chemical. The trouble for those who suffer from it is that nickel is present in so many foods and as many products that we use every day. To give just a few examples:

  • tomatoes and legumes;
  • chocolate and cereals;
  • spinach and onions;
  • dried fruit and cocoa.

But also eggs and shellfish.

This explains why those who suddenly find themselves allergic to it go into difficulty.

An allergy that is affecting more and more women around the world is caused by all these common products

And if between 45 and 65 we could have this neurological brain disease without knowing it, we are attentive to the possible arrival of this allergy. However, it mainly affects women because nickel is also present in:

  • household cleaning products;
  • cosmetics and beauty creams;
  • clothes and textile fibers;
  • cigarettes;
  • crockery;
  • cell phones and telephone accessories.
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As we can see in practically every object of common use.

How nickel allergy manifests itself

Symptoms of contracting this allergy are varied and change from person to person. Above all it depends on the level of tolerance that each of us can show towards external aggression. We remind you that nickel can infect us both by ingestion with food and by simple contact with the products mentioned above. In the latter case, one of the most common manifestations is the classic dermatitis. The trouble is that it is not concentrated only in the contact area, but in many other parts of the body. Usually between 12 and 48 hours, itching and blistering and blistering on the hands and feet may also appear. In severe cases, however, beware that nickel can cause us nausea and vomiting, headaches and abdominal pain, but also serious respiratory problems. In all these cases we do not hesitate to contact our doctor immediately.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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