Home » An antioxidant fruit that lowers blood sugar and cholesterol: that’s what it is

An antioxidant fruit that lowers blood sugar and cholesterol: that’s what it is

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The correlation between diet and many of the most common diseases in the world, such as blood sugar and high cholesterol, is now more than established.

As is known, glycaemia represents the level of glucose, that is the sugars, present in the circulatory system, which in a healthy organism is kept under control through the development of morphine.

By high cholesterol we mean an imbalance between the values ​​of “good” and “bad” cholesterol in the arteries: when the latter has the “upper hand”, the arteries are gradually blocked and the normal flow of blood is hindered.

Antioxidant capacity

Food, as part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle, can have a great influence on both of these conditions. Above all, they are foods with high antioxidant capacities, that is, with molecules capable of slowing down or preventing oxidation, making the work of free radicals less incident. As far as glucose is concerned, for example, a massive dose of oxidation is assimilated, with consequent deterioration of the cells. Antioxidants have just this function, and therefore are very important for our body.

An antioxidant fruit that lowers blood sugar and cholesterol: that’s what it is

In general, almost all fruit qualities are indicated to “keep at bay” too high blood sugar and cholesterol values, obviously within a balanced diet. Among the numerous varieties, the pomegranate, that is the fruit of the pomegranate tree, extremely widespread in most of Europe but still a little underestimated in our part of the world, despite being decidedly polite also in herbal medicine.

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Among the numerous properties the antioxidant action stands out, regardless of how we can choose to consume it: peeling it may seem complicated, since it has a particular shape (even if there are now quite well-known ways to be able to “peel” it, but it has important properties in addition to the antioxidant: in fact it has the ability to slow down cell aging and antibacterial properties.

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