Home » Attention it is better to avoid this delicious seasonal vegetable if we suffer from this pathology

Attention it is better to avoid this delicious seasonal vegetable if we suffer from this pathology

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In a previous article we explained that this is the heart-friendly oil that keeps cholesterol at bay. However, we also specified to read it carefully and to discuss with your GP to understand if consuming it was right for us. In fact, the guidelines and the possible benefits are not always valid for all cases. This is why today we want to talk about a much loved and generally beneficial food which, however, in some specific circumstances can cause problems. In fact, we must pay a lot of attention and it is better to avoid this delicious seasonal vegetable if we suffer from this pathology. Let’s find out what it is and why it should be reduced or eliminated from certain diets.

Be careful, it is best to avoid this delicious seasonal vegetable if we suffer from this pathology

We are talking about mushrooms. In general, these valuable vegetables are great choices for health. In fact, they contain a moderate caloric intake (about 28 calories for each hectogram of product) and an excellent percentage of fiber. They are also rich in different types of vitamins. The most important are B, D, K and C. However, they can cause interference with some medicines. Specifically, we refer to those against gout. Those who suffer from this disease, in fact, know that they must stick to a specific diet, devoid as much as possible of purines and uric acid. It is generally known to most people that this substance is widely present in animal proteins. However, not everyone knows that it can also be found in some vegetables, including mushrooms.

Foods with a high concentration of purines and uric acid

To be more exhaustive, here is a list of foods that are best left alone in the presence of gout attacks:

  1. offal;
  2. red and white meats;
  3. blue fish;
  4. cold cuts;
  5. nuts;
  6. crustaceans;
  7. some vegetables such as asparagus, cauliflower, spinach.
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Go ahead instead for dairy products, as long as they are lean, eggs and non-whole grains.

How to behave with drinks

It is also better to eliminate alcohol, especially beer, and those with an alcohol content greater than 21%. Both of these elements, in fact, contribute to creating the retention of uric acid inside the body and to creating difficulties in expulsion. To best purge the substances, a high hydration threshold must be maintained: it is therefore necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day.


Attention this common summer fruit, when combined with these drugs brings unpleasant contraindications

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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