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AUSL | Communication and press

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28/03/2024 – April and the month dedicated to alcohol prevention all over the world. Not one day, but one whole monthbecause alcohol abuse and dependence on this substance represent a serious health problem for many people. Alcoholism is an addiction which has serious effects on the person’s health and on their working and relational life; to have a greater awareness of this phenomenon, theParma Local Health Authority has also planned for this year various events throughout the provincial territory. Refresher courses for health and social-health workers, awareness-raising events and information stands, training in schools: there are many initiatives, with the collaboration of associations and help groups, to address the issue of prevention,abuse and of alcohol addiction and the services present in the area to give help to those who suffer from it. In fact, it is possible to get out of alcohol addiction. The first step towards healing is asking for help. Ai Serdpthe services for pathological addictions of the Local Health Authority, are guaranteed, in compliance with the utmost confidentiality, healthcare, psychological and socio-educational care, in addition to support for accessing the site www.ausl.pr.it.


In Parma, some awareness and information meetings open to citizens are scheduled. The 2, 9 e 23 April open doors at the alcoholism service in Strada dei Mercati, from 10am to 1pm, with the presence of the associations AA, Al-Anon and ACAT. Il April 10th open meetingpromoted by “Harmony Group” of Al-Anon at the Circolo Anziani Bizzozero, starting at 8.30 pm; it replicates April 20th this time with an open meeting organized by “Santo Stefano Group” of AA in Piazzale San Benedetto, starting at 4 pm April 15th a stand will be set up, promoted by ACAT, which will offer awareness and information activities in Piazza Garibaldi in Parma from 3pm to 6pm, while the April 22 the same activities will be offered at the Via Gramsci entrance to the Maggiore hospital, again from 3pm to 6pm.

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Also in Parma, they are also planned two seminars for healthcare workers by Integrated mental health-pathological addictions care department of the Local Health Authority: the first appointment, in collaboration with the QUESTIONwill be held at the Airone therapeutic-rehabilitation community in Vicofertile Thursday 4 April, starting at 9.30am, and will have as its title “Shared paths in Alcoholology: operational reflections”. The second seminar, again organized by the Daism-dp of the AUSL, this time in collaboration with the AMA groups, will be held Friday 12 April at 9 in the “Anedda” conference room of the Parma Public Assistance and will have the title “Care relationships in healthcare organizations: the urgency of a new way of thinking and acting on health”.

In the district Taro and Ceno Valleys the Ser-DP organizes, on the morning of April 15thdue information stands: one to the Community Point of the Santa Maria hospital and another at the entrance to the Community House of Fornovo Taro. Il April 15th will be held a course for healthcare professionals by title “Prevention and early diagnosis of alcoholic pathologies”in the training room of the Borgotaro hospital from 2.30 pm.

There are also numerous events planned in South-East district. In the SerdDp clinics of Langhirano are provided information and awareness activities: il 5 and 26 April the events will be organized by the Association Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anonwhile the 12 e 19 April will be organized by the association ACAT. In the afternoon of April 12in collaboration with the District Family Center, a meeting will be held alcohol prevention aimed at adolescents who will attend the summer grest of the parish of Baganza Hall. Il April 16starting at 9.30 am, an online event is organized which involves all district schools and the Planning Office. On the occasion of the meeting, born from the collaboration between the district SerDp and the self-help associations AA and Al-anon, the prevention project will be presented “Adolescents, young people promoting awareness”. Tuesday 23 Aprilin the premises of the Carra di driving school Langhirano starting at 6.30 pm, the district SerDp operators will talk about alcohol consumption in relation to driving vehicles: the event is open to all citizens.

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It also continues throughout the month of April health promotion and education activities of the Local Health Authority’s Road Unit, on the occasion of various interventions in the night clubs and in the schools of Parma Itis and Bocchialini.

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