Home » away from Monday 8 November – Emilia-Romagna Region

away from Monday 8 November – Emilia-Romagna Region

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Aged people between 18 and 60 years not yet completed, without pathologies, that they do not fall into the categories of entitled persons and who have thehealth care in Emilia-Romagna.

This is the target of the population that from Monday 8 November will be able to get vaccinated against the flu in pharmacy adherents to the agreement with the region. L’list will be available on Monday, in afternoon, on the Health portal of the Emilia-Romagna Region (https://salute.regione.emilia-romagna.it).

With a note addressed to the general and health managers of the Health Authorities, to the Departments of Public Health, to the category associations of affiliated drugs and to the orders of Pharmacists of Emilia-Romagna, the Directorate General of the Regional Department illustrated some technical-organizational specifications of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces, Federfarma and Assofarm for the administration of flu vaccines by pharmacists.

Pharmacies wishing to join must communicate it to the competent Pharmaceutical Service, to the Provincial Order of Pharmacists and to the Regional Assistance Service of the Region. THE pharmacists who vaccinate they should be properly trained and prepared.

Management and methods of intervention in urgency

A operating protocol similarly to what has already happened in the matter of anti-SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 vaccination, shared with the relevant provincial trade associations. In particular, it defines the days e timetables available for vaccination sessions communicated by individual pharmacies; medical referents the form is not contact methods for any problems arising during the assessment of suitability for influenza vaccination at the pharmacy and during the administration of the vaccine.

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The cost of the service

The pharmacy will provide the service at the expense of the citizen who requests it. Expenses that includeinoculation vaccinal and the retail price of the flu vaccine administered. Overall, the performance will be approx 24,50 euro.


The participating pharmacy must also necessarily participate in the regional active pharmacovigilance project “Vigirete”, in order to acquire the necessary skills in the use of the tools of pharmacovigilance, for a correct reporting of any suspicious and adverse reactions following vaccination.

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